"I can't believe how many people ALIE has now," Raven mumbled in amazement from where she was studying the screen, and completely obvious to Riley's tender heart eyes towards Monty. "Do you see this cluster?" She pointed. "That's a building. But all these, these are minds. It's full of them, thousands. She's taken Polis, too."

In disbelief, Riley shook her head, trying to erase the image of hundreds of helpless chipped people suffering. "That's unbelievable," she disclosed, shocked.

"Yet, believable," Raven countered, typing. "Her army is growing. The longer we wait to go in, the stronger she gets.."

"Go in?" Monty repeated. "Raven, no, our mission - "

"Is to wait for Clarke," Raven suddenly snapped, sarcastic. "Like always. But what if we can do this ourselves?" She spun around in her chair, facing Monty and picking up Becca's journal. "We have Becca's back door passed. We have me."

"You said the moment we use the password, ALIE will know," Monty argued, serious. "That means we have one shot at this. Is there a kill code in that book you didn't tell me about?" In response, Raven shook her head, defeated. "Then we stick to the plan. Clarke gives the flame to Luna. The AI the Flame gives Luna the kill code. We enter it here and take our one shot."

Nodding in agreement, Riley looked back towards the blue screen Monty was referring and motioning to. "I'm with Monty," she added, believing they should stay patient and wait for Clarke to return with Luna and the Flame so they could actually have the kill code and use that one shot smartly.

Rolling her eyes, Raven spun back around and focused on her keyboard again. "Of course you are."

The three were interrupted when Harper strolled in after sliding open the door. "Perimeter's clear," she announced, swinging her hands. "Bryan and Miller have watch." She paused, scanning the room. "How is it going in here?" At the question, Riley let out a short, sarcastic scoff and Raven quietly groaned. "Not good," she guessed grimacing. "Does anyone want a break? I can relieve someone of their duties."

"Actually, I need to change Raven's bandages," Riley spoke up, spinning around in her chair and feeling a streak of confidence that overpowered the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Monty, do you want to keep me company?" She offered.

Monty hesitated, looking as if he wanted to, but glancing hesitantly at Raven. Noticing it, Raven rolled her eyes and thrust the book in his direction. "Go," she urged him. "Take the book if you don't trust me."

"You memorized Becca's password," Monty retorted.

Shrugging, Raven dropped the book. "Then I guess you'll have to trust me."

Smiling at Raven's nerve, Riley slid off her seat and motioned for Monty to follow her. Harper took her side as the pair made their way out, walking down Arkadia's hall. She wasn't surprised to know that Monty was concerned about everyone's well being. She's known since Mount Weather he was selfless, and only worried for the others around him, especially his friends. "I'm worried about her," he was venting, and talking about Raven. "She hasn't stopped."

"You haven't either," Riley pointed out, worried for him. She wasn't going to mention it, knowing that it's the sorest topic, but he hasn't stopped either since the death of his mother despite looking more than tired. "You need a break and to relax."

As if it didn't matter, Monty disregarded Riley's fret over him. "Yeah, but, I'm just trying to keep up. I look at ALIE's code and I see physics subroutines and collision meshes. But Raven sees the City of Light. It's not just a code to her. It's real." Suddenly, Riley stopped, waiting for Monty to notice that she came to a halt. When he had, he forgot about the original topic and stopped as well, turning to face her with a confused look. "Aren't we going to the medical provision?"

"I already changed Raven's bandages," Riley briefly explained.

The confused look Monty had changed into one of concern, that made Riley grow sincerely more fond of him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Letting out a short laugh, Riley shook her head. "I should be asking you that, Monty." She's been through enough, sure, but Monty deserved to be asked that just as much. "We're safe right now. We don't have to spend time between attacks dreading when the next one comes."

Wearily, Monty shrugged one shoulder. "It's not like we have much of a choice."

"Maybe we do." Taking a few strides forward, Riley only stopped when she was barely a few inches from Monty. She paused, allowing him to process her closeness as she reached her hand up and gently held the side of his face before leaning forward and pulling him into a light kiss.

Riley could feel Monty hesitate from the initial surprise of the action, and the tips of his fingers were carefully pressing against her sides, as if he was hesitant and hadn't known what to do with them. She smiled into it, knowing how considerate that he was, before she slowly pulled away.

Seeming to come back from his daze caused by the kiss, Monty lifted his hands, holding them out in front of him. "You're still you right?" He stammered out, checking. "Artificial intelligence hasn't taken over your brain?"

Smiling wider, Riley shook her head. "I'm still me," she confirmed. "If you haven't realized how I've felt towards you, then you may not be that big of a genius I thought you were," she joked.

Looking relieved, Monty breathed out, glad. "Awesome." Riley laughed shortly again. She extended outwards and clasped Monty's hand into hers, leading him down the hall to where she knew a more private room was for her to help Monty relax, while hearing him mumble behind her in awe.

"Oh my god."


As Riley's head hit the pillow below her, she sighed in contentment and made sure the sheet covering her and Monty was up far enough. She was glad, pleased even, but Monty seemed more unsure. He cleared his throat, starting to lean upwards. "Um, I should get back.."

Sensing that Monty wasn't sure if Riley wanted him there, she knew she had to make sure he did. She quickly shifted, putting her hand on his bare chest and pushing him back. "No, hold on," she protested, adjusting herself until she was pressed into his side with her head on his shoulder. "The real world can wait a minute." All Riley wanted, even if it was for a few minutes, was to pretend they were alright. She hasn't felt such a way in so long, not until she took a step forward and kissed him.

Relaxing, Riley felt Monty rested back again and his warm arm curl around her back. She smiled to herself in satisfaction, watching as he grasped her hand in his and kissed it. She flushed a vivid red at the sweet gesture, and flickered her blue eyes up to his. "I haven't felt this safe in so long," Riley finally mumbled in admission. "And happy."

Monty's chest rose and fell as he inhaled at her words. Riley was sure she could feel his heart beat from where it rested over his chest, with his hand folded over hers. This was a thing, she realized. Something with strong adoration feelings, that she's sure she's never felt before. No one's ever had the hold on her that Monty did.

All of a sudden, the door to their room had flung open. Riley grimaced at the sound, pressing herself closer to Monty who had made sure the sheet was still covering them both. "Oh, there you two are." It was Harper, who appeared to be amused by the sight, before she called out over her shoulder. "Raven! I found them!"

Riley heard more footsteps, and chose to finally turn her head to the side when Raven approached. "Finally," she stated, not as amused as Harper, but definitely entertained. "Come on, I found something," she urged them.

The pair took off, shutting the door behind them to give them their privacy. Riley sighed, pressing her forehead against Monty's shoulder, but knowing no matter how much she wanted, they were in the real world. This wasn't a moment that would actually last forever.

𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠︱monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now