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Feyre: ISTJ

Strengths: knowledgeable, strong-willed, responsible, dutiful, calm, direct, orderly, practical, honest.

Weaknesses: stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, always by the book, blame themselves

Rhys: ENFJ

Strengths: tolerant, reliable, charismatic, altruistic, natural leaders

Weaknesses: overly idealistic, too selfless, too sensitive, indecisive, fluctuating self-esteem

Lucien: ENFP

Strengths: curious, observant, energetic, enthusiastic, very friendly, good communicators, can relax

Weaknesses: impractical, bad at focusing, over-think things, easily stressed, highly emotional


Strengths: bold, honest, perceptive, original, rational practical, good people skills, direct

Weaknesses: rule breakers, risk-takers, academically challenged, insensitive, impatient, miss the big picture

Cassian: ESFJ

Strengths: looks for win/win situations, loyal, sensitive, warm, practical, can connect with people

Weaknesses: egotistical, inflexible, unwilling to improvise, very vulnerable to critisism, too selfless, very needy

Azriel: ISFJ

Strengths: very supportive, enthusiastic, loyal, hardworking, patient, observant, reliable, practical

Weaknesses: shy, overload themselves, take things too personally, hate change, altruistic, repress their emotions

Amren: ISTP

Strengths: optimistic, energetic, level-headed, creative, practical, relaxed, rational, mildly spontaneous

Weaknesses: stubborn, reserved, very private, easily bored, insensitive, risk-takers, hate commitment

Nesta: INTJ

Strengths: strategic, quick-thinkers, self-confident, decisive, hardworking, determined, open-minded, knowledgeable

Weaknesses: arrogant, judgmental, too analytic, hate structure, clueless in romance

Elain: ESFP

Strengths: bold, original, observant, sense of beauty, practical, excellent people skills

Weaknesses: have difficulty focusing, very sensitive, poor planners, always seek excitement, academically challenged, loathe conflict

credit: The truth is vicious - tumblr

(feel free to leave your suggestions on who has which personality type and why)

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