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ISTJ: They may become more rash and impulsive, engaging in uncharacteristic reckless acts and plans. They may start envisioning all the future possibilities of their life, often negative catastrophes that could occur. Therefore they look to the future with fear; especially unfamiliar circumstances will make them nervous about negative possibilities. They withdraw even more than normal, becoming obsessed with their internal feelings and processing them over and over again in their head.

ISFJ: They may become more rash and impulsive, engaging in uncharacteristic reckless acts and plans. They may start envisioning all the future possibilities of their life, often negative catastrophes that could occur. Therefore they look to the future with fear; especially unfamiliar circumstances will make them nervous about negative possibilities. They can become extremely sensitive to other people not liking them, desiring social approval and becoming extremely frustrated, withdrawn, and upset if they feel like they aren't receiving this. They may be outwardly critical, detached, and cold.

INFJ: They overanalyze situations that cause them depression, picking up on all the subtle characteristics and come to a negative (often untrue) conclusion about the true nature of that situation/life/themselves. They withdraw into these thoughts and become convinced in these beliefs and are unable to see the truth even when their thoughts are illogical. They can also be overindulgent in hedonistic experiences: drinking, sex, exercise, eating, even unhealthy practices such as cutting. Therefore they may be outwardly critical, detached, and cold.

INTJ: They overanalyze situations that cause them depression, picking up on all the subtle characteristics and come to a negative (often untrue) conclusion about the true nature of that situation/life/themselves. They withdraw into these thoughts and become convinced in these beliefs and are unable to see the truth even when their thoughts are illogical. They can also be overindulgent in hedonistic experiences: drinking, sex, exercise, eating, even unhealthy practices such as cutting. They can become overly controlling of their external environment, obsessively looking to small details or facts around them. They may act on their immediate impulses, attempting to ignore the future repercussions or harm that it could do to themselves/others.

ISTP: They can also be overindulgent in hedonistic experiences: drinking, sex, exercise, eating, even unhealthy practices such as cutting. They can become extremely sensitive to other people not liking them, desiring social approval and becoming extremely frustrated, withdrawn, and upset if they feel like they aren't receiving this. They may inappropriately express their feelings to those around them, wallowing in them and becoming extremely sensitive and upset.

ISFP: They can become extremely critical, perfectionistic, and don't accept what they see as incompetence, of both themselves and those around them. They will look to control those around them, organize their environment, and start structured projects which they control with extreme rigidity. They will also lose their connection to their own values, not understanding themselves and ignoring what beliefs are important to them. They can also be overindulgent in hedonistic experiences: drinking, sex, exercise, eating, even unhealthy practices such as cutting.They withdraw even more than normal, becoming obsessed with their internal feelings and processing them over and over again in their head.

INFP: They would become consumed with the idea of negative future possibilities, envisioning all the different horrible things that could happen or could be happening. They randomly think people don't like them, that they'll fail their math test, that they're never going to get into college, etc. They can become extremely critical, perfectionistic, and don't accept what they see as incompetence, of both themselves and those around them. They will look to control those around them, organize their environment, and start structured projects which they control with extreme rigidity. They will also lose their connection to their own values, not understanding themselves and ignoring what beliefs are important to them.

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