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(to all y'all potter heads out there :D)

ISTJ: Prior Incantato
A magical phenomenon that occurrs when two wands sharing the same cores are forced to compete in combat.

ESTJ: Piertotum Locomotor
Used to bring life to those artefacts that had, previously, been inanimate and unmoving. The target's movements can be controlled by the caster of the spell.

INTJ: Stupefy
is a charm that renders a victim unconscious and halts moving objects.

ENTJ: Imperio
the victim of an Imperius Curse is placed in a calm, trance-like state in which all feeling of responsibility and anxiety is banished.

ISTP: Flame-Freezing Charm
a charm that changed the effects of a fire so that instead of burning, it felt like a warm summer breeze. The subject would usually feel a gentle tickling sensation.

ESTP: Supersensory Charm
Is a self-inflicting charm. It is used to give the caster enhanced senses.

INTP: Specialis Revelio
was the incantation of a spell that allowed the caster to reveal any charms or hexes.

ENTP: Legilimens
is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings.

ISFJ: Vulnera Sanentur
For maximum effect of the spell, the incantation had to be repeated thrice; firstly slowing the flow of blood to prevent death by exsanguination; the second to clear residue and begin to heal the wounds; and the third to fully knit the wounds, although dittany had to be applied to prevent scarring.

ESFJ: Tarantallegra
is a charm used to force another person's legs to begin dancing uncontrollably.

ISFP: Patented Daydream Charm
Virtually undetectable, they produce a very realistic daydream lasting for thirty minutes. Side effects may include drooling and/or dazed expression.

ESFP: Mimblewimble
binds the target's tongue to keep him or her from talking about a specific subject.

INFJ: Protego Maxima
conjures up an almost impregnable magical protection barrier.

ENFJ: Expecto Patronum
It is an immensely complicated and extremely difficult spell that evokes a partially-tangible positive energy force known as a Patronus or spirit guardian.

INFP: Spongify
Makes an area/object rubbery and bouncy.

ENFP: Lumos Solem
A charm used to conjure a very bright, narrow beam of light, which may be potentially be warmer than normal light.

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