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ISXJ: They may become very controlling with small details in their surrounding environment, their own physical health (and what they are putting in their body, for example), and compulsively overcheck little particulars such as dates or times. Or they may become uncharacteristically obsessed with brainstorming possibilities, which may be negative or positive.

INXJ: They may become very withdrawn, analyzing situations or people in their life in an attempt to understand underlying truths in situations. They may also become very perfectionistic in their pursuits. Or they may become uncharacteristically spontaneous and drawn to physical sensations, or may develop OCD tendencies related to these sensations.

IXTP: They may be very critical, pointing out any logical or other flaw in projects/those around them, and being very cold and focused on pure logic. Or they may become uncharacteristically emotional, seeking out social validations compulsively and ranting to others in an inappropriate or overwhelming manner.

IXFP: They may wallow in their own emotions, withdrawing from others and becoming extremely sensitive, melancholy, and self-absorbed. Or they may become uncharacteristically controlling of others, cold and unemotional, and obsessed with facts and overt implementation of plans and structure.

ESXP: They may be very sensitive to their physical environment, developing OCD habits tied to specific sensations. They may be even more reckless than usual in their pursuit of adventure and excitement. Or they may become uncharacteristically withdrawn, becoming obsessed with intangible theories and thoughts and attempting to decipher the underlying truth of situations around them.

ENXP: They may become extremely anxious when brainstorming future possibilities, compulsively imaging all the ways a situation could go wrong. They may also become uncharacteristically controlling with their compulsive attention to particulars in structure, routine, physical details, and develop an attitude of rigidness.

EXTJ: They may become very controlling of others around them, making sure every aspect of their life is structured and hierarchal, compulsively check facts for claims, and make sure their physical environment is also comprehensively organized. Or they may become uncharacteristically emotionally, withdrawing and wallowing in their emotions.

EXFJ: They may become very overwhelming in their interactions with others, becoming very nosy, bossy, judgmental, and oversharing information in a needy manner with those around them. Or they may become uncharacteristically critical, checking all logical reasoning, and pointing out any mistakes in those around them.

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