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INTP: The evil genius to whom scheming comes very naturally.

ENTP: The one who never stops playing games with the hero and is probably the biggest advocate of anarchy.

INFP: The person with one event in their life as their primary motivation for every bad thing they have ever done.

ENFP: The one who started off with a cause but is honestly just having fun messing with people at this point.

ISTP: the one who takes "keep your enemies closer" to heart and befriends the squad trying to catch them.

ESTP: The one who does cliche villain things for the irony, and no one and no one knows how to catch them. Meanwhile, they're just in their house laughing their ass off.

ISFP: The one who gets manipulated into revealing their entire plan because they think they've already won. And sometimes, they win anyway.

ESFP: The one who's always giving out motivational speeches to get people to join their cause and fight for them.

INTJ: The mastermind behind the chess board, controlling everything.

ENTJ: The leader of a questionable organization that probably has many, many pawns. 

INFJ: The person who honestly thinks they're doing it for a good cause and probably has a redemption arc.

ENFJ: The one that will never let their plans slip, and it's always questionable what they're really after.

ISTJ: The one with a very detailed, sometimes convoluted, plan to get to where they want to be.

ESTJ: The person probably aiming for world domination.

ISFJ: The one who does little things to piss the hero off like leaving messages behind and flashing them a smile.

ESFJ: The one who maintains a facade of being good to be loved by a lot of people, so they'll have an army to defend them if they're ever accused of anything.

(Comment on the villain that matches your MBTI personality type)

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