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ISTP: laughs out loud when the protagonist dies

ESTP: dubs over the characters in dumb voices.

INTP: keeps telling people trivia they've read about the casting process for the film.

ENTP: eats 80% of the available popcorn and ruins dramatic moments with witty comments.

INFP: secretly roots for the bad guy because he's hot.

ENFP: battles with ENTP over the remaining 20% of the popcorn.

ISFP: secretly looks around to see people's reactions to their favorite scene.

ESFP: keeps chatting with their friends on the phone, occasionally looks up to the movie and asks what's happening.

ISFJ: couldn't care less about the protagonist dying, tears up when the dog dies.

ESFJ: keeps telling ENTP and ESTP to stop ruining the movie.

ISTJ: patiently explains ESFP what's going on each time they ask.

ESTJ: has given up trying to watch the movie, instead starts pointing out things saying "that wouldn't really happen".

INTJ: somehow manages to focus on the movie despite the ruckus around them, sees the end twist from miles ahead.

ENTJ: argues with ESTJ claiming the things they point out could really happen.

INFJ: openly roots for the good guy because he has the most interesting backstory. 

ENFJ: asks which movie they should watch next, is disappointed when everyone's had enough and leaves.

MBTIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora