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ISTJ: Calculates and enforces a sleep schedule to make sure everyone gets their 8 hours.

ISFJ: Wakes up early the next morning to make everyone pancakes for breakfast.

INFJ: Ends up working as the other kids' counselor for the night, hearing about all their personal problems and giving advice.

INTJ: Internally rolling their eyes when all of the other girls start talking about their emotional problems or crying at the romantic movies.

ISTP: Starts a pillow fight and gets really into it, building themselves a fort and planning sneak attacks.

ISFP: Gives all of her friends make-overs, pulling out all of the beauty magazines and nail polish.

INFP: Puts on a classic romantic chick flick like The Notebook and cries for the rest of the night.

INTP: Brings up some extremely abstract and philosophical question just as everyone else is falling asleep.

ESTP: Does something extremely reckless during truth or dare.

ESFP: Finds a karaoke machine and insists on dressing up and performing for everyone else.

ENFP: Convinces everyone to go on an adventure at 1 in the morning through the neighborhood.

ENTP: Designs an intricate prank to play on the first girl who fell asleep.

ESTJ: Plans a schedule of games and activities for everyone else to follow, makes sure no one wakes up the parents.

ESFJ: Accidentally starts a gossip ring talking about other people they know.

ENFJ: Spends half of the time discussing their own personal problems and half of the time talking to the other girls about what's going on in their lives.

ENTJ: Hosts the event. Delivers very cold, blunt advice to the other girls about their emotional problems

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