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ENFJ- Buys lots of guidebooks. Someone who trusts others' advice and goes to exactly what the guidebook tells them is the best.

ENFP- Gets lost in a crowd. Someone who would inevitably drag one pal and run off towards something "cool" they saw, only to get both them and their friend lost.

ENTJ- Needs to be in control. Someone who tries to manage everything that's going on and gives vendors who pull you over dirty looks.

ENTP- The fun one who provides an air of spontaneity. Someone who would suddenly decide to change an activity or run through the streets.

ESFJ- Checks that everyone is happy. The typical mom of the group who over packs just in case one or two or ten of their friends needs a toothbrush, bandaid, toothpaste, floss, etc.

ESFP- Gets distracted by small vendor shops. Someone who has to look at everything and enjoys doing things and being there 24/7.

ESTJ- Has all the maps and herds everyone in the right direction. Someone who micromanages things, but ultimately gets everyone where they need to be.

ESTP- Doesn't mind physical activity. Someone who would find a hiking trail or physical activity to do a trip.

INFJ- Needs constant breaks. Someone who would bring along a book or listen to music for some peace and quiet after a long, hectic day.

INFP- Would want to stop at cute cafes hidden in alleyways. Someone who would want to find "hidden gems" in a city and stay in a hostel.

INTJ- Thoroughly researches the city just in case some sort of natural disaster happens. Someone who can take over if the ESTJ/ISTJ gets confused, and will emerge unscathed.

INTP- Use the experiences to broaden their mind. Someone who would be interested by the different types of technology in a foreign country.

ISFJ- Caught up in buying souvenirs. Someone who buys souvenirs for all their friends because "This one reminded me of you!"

ISFP- Reads all about food. Someone who would choose the food and take photos of every dish before eating.

ISTJ- Similar to the ESTJ. Makes sure everyone is where they need to be. The Dad of the friend group, ready to tackle any problems the group faces and solve problems.

ISTP- Wouldn't mind travelling alone. Someone who would branch off from the group to do exploration by themselves.

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