It's A Lot More Than A Simple Race

Start from the beginning

"Midoriya, you don't have to be so harsh on yourself.." Kirishima says, trying to fix the situation.

"But we're giving it our all, the other classes, our class, and me. I'm not going to fall short." And it's there when I see the utmost determination and will of this boy.

And I admire that of him

"Right." Todoroki finally says.

It's a tunnel where we see the entire stadium.

As soon as we escape the dark tunnel, the bright day is shown before us, and so is the roaring crowd in the stadium pooled to the brim with pro heroes.

We're the first ones to be shown, following us is class 1-B, the other hero course. Then of course, General Studies, and after is the Support course. And finally, the Business course. I ponder myself, why might U.A. have a business course, but I'm not in a position to judge.

"And now for the player's speech!" Pro hero, Midnight, announces.

"What is Ms. Midnight wearing?" I hear whispers, and all I think is how insecure I feel all of a sudden.

"Everyone, quiet!" The whip in her hand cracks in the air, silencing us.

"The Class 1-A representative, Bakugou Katsuki." She says, and us as a class turn our heads in shock to see Bakugou, hands shoved in his pockets, looking ticked off, walks up.

Since when was he representative? And since when did we have one?

Am I really that ignorant?

"Well he did place first."

"In the hero course." A girl from General Studies snaps at us, and I flinch, wish I could do something, but our reputation is pretty much ruined.

Bakugou makes his way up to the stage, he stands there, and you can practically feel the suspense on everyone.

"My pledge is... I'll be number one." He says, bluntly.

I knew he'd do that!!!

Almost immediately he receives backlash, and it is understandable, I guess if I weren't in the Hero Course and thought that Bakugou was just full of shit, I guess I'd be mad too.

"Now, let's begin the first round!" Midnight says, after everything had calmed down.

"This is where many fail, and now, our first game!"

A wheel spins, and it's agony just waiting to see what you need to do in order to pass to next round.

"And this year is..."


I scan, and I read it a few times, just to be sure.

And obstacle race.

Sounds easy, not too bad, but this is U.A.

"Every class is to participate, and it is around the circumference of the entire stadium, about four kilometers!"

I subconsciously reach up toy with my hair, trying to decide if this is easy or not.

"Oh, and this is U.A. Everythings allowed as long as you stay on course!" She licks her lips menacingly.

"Ah, there's the catch!" I whisper.

"Now, take your places!"

We're all crowded up in front of giant metal doors, closed, awaiting a swarm of aspiring heroes.

All of us are locked in stances, and some look totally ready to do this, not one care about anyone else but themselves

Then there's me.

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