Chapter 22: Scores

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A.N. Yea... I'm not really that happy with this chapter. I think it kind of sucks. Oh well! I had extreme writers block! Now read my pretties!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA (uh yea... i scare myself sometimes...)

Chapter 22: Scores

We sit on benches outside the training room, awaiting our private sessions with the game makers. The District 11 girl was just called in, meaning that as District 12 male tribute, I will be next.

I can’t help feeling nervous. I’m pretty sure I know what I’m going to do, but still… This moment will go a long way in determining my fate in the games. The score I get now will decide how I am viewed. If I am seen as weak or strong; if I get sponsors or if I am left to my own devices in the arena. This may be the single most important moment before the games begin. I have a right to be a bit- or a lot- nervous.

“Kurt Hummel,” says an electronic voice. I stand up and take a deep breath.

“Good luck,” Rachel says, smiling nervously.

“Good luck to you as well,” I reply as I walk toward the metal doors that will lead me into the training room. They slide open, allowing me access and I nervously stride toward the centre of the room.

The Gamemakers seem completely emersed in their meal, talking loudly and animatedly between themselves. It seems that they don’t even notice my presence.

I clear my throat and loudly, say “Kurt Hummel, District 12,” hoping they don’t notice the tremor in my voice.

They fall silent and the Head Gamemaker, Tiberius Keen, I believe his name is, bellows, “Begin!”

I hesitantly walk toward the camouflage station, getting a selection of paints and beginning my work. At first, the Gamemakers watch, but they quickly become bored and resume their frivolity.

Despite their lack of attention, I continue to paint, and after about 10 minutes, I am able to blend in perfectly with the synthetic trees behind me. I cough loudly, hoping to make them look my way. They don’t hear me over their own banter.

I am becoming increasingly frustrated.

“Excuse me!” I yell loudly, “Could you please do your job?”

Their heads snap my way. I think I hear one of them ask where I am. I smile. It must look fairly strange from where they are; a pair of blue eyes staring out at them from what appears to be part of a tree. They exchange looks of bewilderment and I step out from my hiding place, pleased with my performance.

I go over to the archery station, sensing the entire cohort’s eyes on me and shoot, the arrow landing in the centre of the target. I load the bow again and aim for the next target along, once again hitting the centre. I continue this way until I have shot every target within range, getting it in the gold or red every time. I hope that this was enough to impress them.

I turn toward the balcony where the Gamemakers sit, mouths hanging open. Yea, I think it was enough. Smiling, I bow in their direction.

“Thank you for your time,” I say, turning on my heels and walking swiftly out the door.


The entire District 12 team sit on the couches in front of the television, anxiously awaiting the announcement of the training scores.

Rachel had said that at first, the Gamemakers had hardly paid any attention to her, but then she had shouted at them, saying that they should learn to do their job correctly or otherwise they will get replaced. My guess is that this rant lasted longer than she let on, because once Rachel gets started, it’s hard to stop her.

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