Chapter 6: Recap

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Chapter 6: Recap

After the ordeal with Haymitch none of us feel very hungry, but to please Effie, Rachel and I both consume a small serving of soup and bread, and I must say the food is magnificent. And by magnificent I mean about a million times better than that which we get in the Seam. We survive on mainly the tesserae rations and the small amount of food that my father’s income will get us.

As we eat, Effie calls a Capitol attendant to take Haymitch away. The attendant does not even attempt to rouse our mentor, but instead just drags him to his room. He doesn’t even stir. Whatever he was drinking must has been fairly strong.

As we finish our dinner, I go to stack the plates, as would be routine at home.

“That’s not your job dear,” Effie coos.

We make our way to where the television is located, to watch a recap of the Reapings. A sit my self down on the couch next to Rachel, taking her hand and giving her a small smile. She squeezes my hand and returns the smile.

The T.V. flashes on and I hear the voice of Claudius Templesmith, the long-term announcer for the Games.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen of Panem, as you all probably know I am Claudius Templesmith!” he says, receiving a laugh from the Capitol audience. “For those of you who didn’t tune in to watch the Reapings live today, or for those who were attending their own, I bring to you; the 98th annual Reapings for District’s 1 to 12!” The audience cheers as the screen flashes to District 1.

I think its crazy how they have so many willing volunteers. How could you want to be part of the games? In the end, the tributes are a fierce looking muscled boy and an extremely pretty blonde girl.

From two, a huge boy and equally as large girl volunteer.

From three, a fairly young red-haired girl and a boy with dark, frizzy hair.

From four, a scary looking girl with long dark hair and darker skin volunteers, and then picked the legitimate way is… a boy. His dark brown curly hair glitters in the sunlight and he has the build of someone who has clearly been doing physical work from a young age. I cannot take my eyes of him. Blaine, I think the escort calls him. Blaine. I like the way the name sounds, it suits him.

Rachel nudges me.

“Kurt, are you okay? You’re kind of gaping.”

“Yea, I’m fine.” I answer, my voice barley above a whisper.

She gives me a strange look, and then turns back to the screen.

The rest of the Reapings pass in a bit of a blur, with only a few people standing out. The tributes from 6 seem to be a couple. First the girl is reaped, and the boy screams out her name, Tina, I think. He is restrained by Peacekeepers, but then his name is called and he runs to the stage, embracing his girlfriend.

From seven there is an extremely tall boy, who despite his athletic build, looks more like a giant teddy bear than anything else.

From nine there is a blonde boy with a huge mouth, which if you ask me, makes him look a bit like a trout.

From eleven, a curvy black girl, and then from twelve, there is us. Seeing it from the audiences point of view brings it to a new level of reality. I see my face pale dramatically as my name is called. I see my father fighting to break free of the Peacekeepers grips. I see me and Rachel embrace on stage, causing the Capitol audience to ‘ooo and ahh’ at the second display of affection by two tributes, and making Claudius question whether there was a new pair of ‘Star-crossed Lovers from District 12,’ obviously referring to Katniss and Peeta’s romance.

It kind of annoys me.

Claudius signs off and the screen goes black. For a minute we just sit there in silence.

“So…” Rachel says, “Do you think any of them would ally with us? Is there anyone that you would want to ally with?”

“Blaine.” I say without thinking.

“Who?” Rachel says, looking confused.

“The boy from four I answer,” looking at the ground, embarrassed.

“He’s a career Kurt. And we’re from District 12.”

“Yea, you’re right.” I mumble, “Anyone you want?”

“The boy from seven,” She answers.

“Rachel, you were just giving me a lecture on the unlikeliness of allying with a Career. He’s as good as one. He is huge. The careers will claim him straight away.”

We both fall silent.

We sit there, awkwardly for a few more minutes, until Effie comes in, telling us to go to bed, because we have a ‘big, big, big day tomorrow.’

I say goodnight to both her and Rachel and then walk to my room.

I collapse onto my bed, not even bothering to undress. It all seems too real now. Overly real, if that makes sense. It’s hard to describe the way I feel right now. I’m terrified beyond belief, angry at the Capitol for forcing this fate upon me, devastated that I may never see my father again, but also numb. Strangely numb. I start to cry, and before I know it, my body is raking with sobs. Tears run down my face, but I make no attempt to wipe them away, knowing that others will soon take their place.

I don’t know if I am simply being a drama queen, or if my reaction is fair, but right now, I feel like the world is ending.

Literally ending.   

A.N. To avoid confusion, heres a list of who's from what district:

District 1: Quinn Fabray + Noah 'Puck' Puckerman

District 2: Marble [not a Glee character] + Dave Karoffsky

District 3:

District 4: Santana Lopez + Blaine Anderson

District 5:

District 6: Tina Cohen-Chang + Mike Chang

District 7: Finn Hudson

District 8:

District 9: Sam Evans

District 10:

District 11: Mercedes Jones

District 12: Rachel Berry + Kurt Hummel

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