Chapter 3: Goodbye

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Chapter 3: Goodbye

I stand, fixed to the spot. Its just like my nightmare, all eyes are turned towards me and my palms are sweating so much I think a river could just about appear. And if it did, I would welcome it. This can’t be happening. First Rachel and now…

Oh god…

The boys around me back off to give those on stage a clear view.

“Come on, darling!” Effie calls, “Come up!”

My feet start moving, but everything seems surreal. Rachel’s tears from on the stage. My father’s screams and protests. The peace-keeper’s yells.

I climb the small flight of steps and stand in place next to Rachel. She is now sobbing uncontrollably, her hands over her mouth and tears running down her face.

“Do we have any volunteers?” Effie asks the crowd.

Please someone volunteer, I think. Please anybody.

But no-one does. And why should I be surprised? In nearly a hundred years of the Hunger Games, we have only ever had one volunteer in District 12, and that was Katniss. And plus, who would volunteer for me?

Effie tells us to shake hands. I reach out to Rachel, but instead, she pulls me into an embrace. I hug her back and for a moment we just cry together.

We are ushered into the Justice Building and led to separate rooms. Everything is so opulent. Red drapes hang from the windows and the wood-panelled walls give off a freshly polished gleam.

I sit on the plush couch in the corner and lay my head in my hands. The door opens and my father walks in. I stand and without a word we embrace.

“Kurt…” he says, making no attempt to hide his tears.

“I know Dad, I know.” I answer, my head buried in his sturdy shoulder.

He pulls away, still grasping my thin arm.

“Come home Kurt,” he says, “Just promise me you’ll come home.”

“I-I can’t. There are twenty four of us in there. Only one comes out and I’m not exactly your classic victor”

“Well you better try your damn hardest to win! I can’t live without you Kurt. You’re the only thing I have left,” he says, his voice breaking

“No, don’t say that. Be strong. I’ll do my best. I promise to go down fighting. I’ll give it everything I’ve got. I love you dad,”

A peace keeper enters the room and says that our time is up.

My father pulls me into one last embrace, and carefully slips something flat and round into my hand. The peace keeper pulls him away,

“I love you Kurt, just remember that!” he calls.

“I love you too,” I answer, nearly choking on my tears.

The door slams shut with a loud bang that seems to represent to finality of this situation. I’m never going to see my dad again. Or our tiny house in the Seam. Or District 12.

With a sigh, I sink to the floor, accepting the inevitable.

Sometime in the next few weeks, I, Kurt Hummel, am going to die. 

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