Chapter 15: Remade

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A.N. Hopefully it'll get a bit more interesting now! Toodles Chicken Noodles! Now read!... :D

Chapter 15: Remade

I wait alone in a sterile-looking white room in the Remake Centre. After a good nights sleep and big breakfast, I feel better than I have in days. I wear only a thin blue robe, which makes me feel extremely exposed, even though I am alone at the moment. I sit on a bench to the side of the room, swinging my feet back and forth, awaiting the arrival of my prep team.

The large metal doors swing open and in walk three very peculiar people.

The first is a young thin woman. Her bright yellow hair is dead straight and hangs to her shoulders. She wears a tight black dress, with a yellow shawl around her shoulders and a block-like belt around her waist, both the same striking hue as her hair. She wears high black boots and her eyes are bordered by black eyeliner, which flicks drastically up at the sides.

Behind her is a tall man with red hair and a large walrus moustache. His pants are lime green and are so tight I don’t know how he can walk in them. His shirt, which is tucked into his pants, is made of a shimmery white material and his neck is decorated by a sequined cravat.

Lastly is a short woman with dark skin and a huge frizzy afro. In her hair sits at least a dozen glossy green flowers. She wears a dress of the same green that puffs out massively at the waist, forming a large hoop. On her legs are green tights and black sandals, and the entire left half of her face is covered in striking golden tattoos. I think she looks like a cupcake.

The woman in front introduces her self,

“I’m Taya!” She says in a high pitched Capitol voice, “And this is Monty,” she continues, gesturing to the man, “and Augett,” the cupcake lady.

“We’ll be your prep them while your in the Capitol!” She squeals, jumping up and down excitedly. What is with this woman?

“Well what are we waiting for?” asks the cupcake lady, Augett, “Undress.”

“W-what?” I ask, shocked.

“Well how else can we prep you, silly?” giggles Taya.

I slowly edge off the robe, my cheeks reddening.

“Oh don’t worry dear,” says Augett, “No need to be embarrassed.”

I sit there completely naked in front of three complete strangers, how can’t I be embarrassed?

They walk in circles around me.

“We’ll start off with a full body scrub, to rid him of all that District 12 grime,” says Monty.

“Yes, yes, I agree,” answers Augett. Taya just smiles widely. I am beginning to think that there is something wrong with her.

They guide me to a tub full of some fowl smelling liquid, which stings my skin when I hop in. They make me lay in it for a full half an hour and I think that by the time I get out, I have lost about ten layers of skin.

They then let me soak in a pink liquid that soothes my burning skin and smells much better than its predecessor.

When I am done, they lay me down on a white table, and god, is it awkward, laying there naked while three complete strangers wax the hair off of my arms, chest and back, and apply some sort of cream to my face, which I can only assume will prevent me needing to shave while I’m in the arena. The waxing is extremely painful, and I’m just glad when it is over.

I am allowed to put my robe back on, which I am glad of, and then they continue to prep me, the whole time keeping up a high pitched, annoying chatter, about one trivial Capitol thing or another. These people think that the world is ending because that new purse they had their eye on sold out? I’m going into the Hunger Games in a week!

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