Chapter 17: I Am The Spark

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Hello everybody!

Sorry this chapter took so long to upload, I had a bit of writers-block. Well, writer's-block and writer's-I-really-can't-be-bothered-writing-at-the-moment-eugh-I'll-do-it-later-oh-crap-its-been-like-five-days-since-I-uploaded-a-chapter-better-get-to-it-now.

I'm not really happy with this chapter, I just don't feel that it works the way I want it to, but oh well, I'll blame it on my writer's-I-can't-be-bothered-typing-all-that-again-ness. 


Until next time,

From mynameisnotbob99


Chapter 17: I Am The Spark

The lift doors open and we are bombarded by Effie and Haymitch.

“That was so amazing!” Effie squeals, embracing both of us in turn.

Haymitch smiles, “Nice job kid! They loved you.”

Judiel, who stands behind us, interjects, “They definitely did love you, but I think you also scared them a bit. You just looked so fierce and intimidating! What happened to waving?”

I wasn’t in the mood for waving. The fire I felt inside me during the parade has faded, but at the time, it was overwhelming. I really don’t know what came over me! I didn’t feel like myself. I was someone… something… completely different.

“They were working on a different angle Judiel,” Haymitch sneers.

“Well, Haymitch, it wouldn’t have killed them to wave!” She shoots back.

“They were making a point!” He says, his voice rising in volume.

“What point would that be?” Judiel asks angrily

“I don’t know? Maybe that they don’t want to be here,” He shouts

“Well I can’t see why not, it’s an honour!”

“You participate in the games and then tell me that!”

“SHUT UP!” Rachel yells.

The room goes quiet and Effie’s mouth hangs open. She is obviously too shocked to even yell at us about manners.

“What Rachel means to say,” I begin, taking a deep breath, “Was that we felt that we would stand out if we didn’t wave. It was a… performance technique.”

“Oh, really?” Judiel says smugly, “How clever of you!”

I meet Haymitch’s grey eyes and he seems to understand that it definitely wasn’t a way to get the crowds attention

“Kurt,” he says, “Can I please speak to you?”

“Uh… sure,” I mutter, slightly taken aback.

He pulls me away from the others so that we are out of their hearing range.

“What the hell are you up to, kid?” He asks

“What? Nothing!” I answer honestly.

He eyes me suspiciously, “You lit your costume on fire, and then refused to smile at the crowd. Even if not intentionally, you are sending a message to the districts.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

He sighs, and then speaking slowly, as if to a small child, he says, “Panem is… unstable. It has been for the last twenty-five years. Obviously there have always been people who aren’t happy with the government,” like my mother, I think, “but ever since the 74th games, when Katniss pulled out those berries, the general hatred has increased. Not just the amount of people who don’t like the Capitol, but also how much they don’t like them. I don’t know why, but people have been gradually becoming more and more aware of how unfair Panem is. You seem smart, kid, so I don’t think I have to explain that part to you,”

The Hunger Games, the poverty we live in, the way we are the Capitol’s slaves. Yea I do get it.

“Anyway, Katniss ignited the spark, and there might have been a rebellion, but then she died. We had this whole plan… the rebels, I mean, but then she was killed by that damned District One idiot, Gloss. I don’t even know how I won…” His voice trails off and I can see his eyes glazing over, his mind obviously returning to the arena. He blinks rapidly and shakes his head, coming back to reality, “But that’s not the point. What I’m trying to say is that if you’re not careful, you will start a fire. The Districts are angry. They have been for a while now. All they need is someone or something to collect that anger and turn it against the Capitol. How you were tonight kid… well, let’s just say that I’ve never seen someone look that… I can’t even find the right word! If I were back home, watching your performance from tonight, I know that I would feel the anger that you were conveying, and I’d want to get up and do something.

“I can’t tell you what to do. Hell, I don’t even know what to do. I’m torn! Some of me is saying that I should never have even told you this, and let you work stuff out for yourself. Some of me is saying that I should get you to somehow stop everything that you might have caused; and some of me is saying that you are the first person in a long time that might be capable of bringing the Capitol to its knees.” He sighs, “That’s all I have to say to you kid. I’m going to let you make up your own mind, but I hope that I have opened your eyes a bit.”

With that, he walks away, leaving me standing there gaping like a fish out of water.

What the hell just happened?

When I designed the costume, I didn’t have rebellion in mind. I just wanted to make an impression. How was I supposed to know that it’d make people want to rebel? And the whole ‘not waving’ thing just sort of happened! I wasn’t myself!

And what did Haymitch mean that I might be the first person in a long time that might be able to bring Panem to its knees? I’m me for god’s sake! Kurt Hummel, the small, pale boy from District 12 who has a stupidly high voice and isn’t particularly good at anything! Not some sort of rebel leader!

My mind is completely addled. I am more confused than I can ever remember being, which is saying something, because my whole life is a big ball of confusing right now. I don’t know what I’m going to do! Should I act like nothing ever happened? Should I do more to try and rally the citizens of Panem?

And to think that less than a week ago I was at home, with my father, as happy as I could be with the imminence of the Reaping.

God that seems like a lifetime ago! I already feel changed, and I haven’t even gone into the arena yet. But you can’t really blame me, what with the tons of crap that have been thrust upon me all in the last three days.

I found out I was going into the Hunger Games.

I found out that my best- and only- friend was going in with me.

I found out that my mother wanted to rebel against the Capitol.

I found out that my uncle was Gale Hawthorn, the best friend of Katniss Everdeen.

I found out that I may have feelings for Blaine, the District 4 tribute, who is a boy.

I found out that I might have started a fire in the hearts of those who live in the districts, one that I am most likely incapable of putting out.

What have I done? 

You Think This Is Hard? - A Hunger Games/ Glee crossover fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora