Chapter 16: Fire

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Chapter 16: Fire

The air is thick with anticipation as we await the beginning of the Tributes Parade. Rachel and I stand side by side next to the chariot that will carry us through the procession. She nervously adjusts her body suit as I inspect the other tributes.

The boy and girl from one, who are both extremely attractive, are dressed in outfits that although different, complement each other. The girl’s blonde hair is tied up on her head and she wears an ankle length ball gown that glitters with gold flecks. The boy is dressed in a black suit that like his counterparts dress is embedded with gold. Being from District one, which manufactures luxury items for the Capitol, their choices in costumes are vastly greater than other districts.

The large pair from two are dressed in short-sleeved body suits that have the appearance of stone, and on their heads, they wear large rock-like head-dresses.

The tributes from three seemed to be unfortunate with their stylist, as they are wrapped almost completely in wires. From what I have seen so far, we are going to make quite an impression tonight.

I continue to scan the crowd. District five are dressed in shimmery suits with hats that I assume are supposed to resemble light bulbs, but really, they look quite ridiculous. Six’s costume quite frankly makes no sense whatsoever. They are dressed in gold and have a half moon shaped accessory on the side of their face. Their district specialises in transportation, and I can not even begin to fathom how their costume reflects this. Their lips are locked together, and they are as close as they could possibly be with the hindrance of the costume. I am guessing that they will get quite a few sponsors, because of the Capitol’s fondness for romance. I mean, just look at the 74th Hunger Games, with Katniss and Peeta. The Capitol loved that.

Seven is, like most years, dressed as trees. Decked in leaves and bark, the boy’s height does make him resemble a tree, although his counterpart, a tiny girl who cannot be more than thirteen, looks more like a shrub.

District 8 are wearing what looks like a patchwork quilt wrapped around their body, which is comprised of fabrics of various colours and textures.

9’s costumes are simply body suit’s covered in grain, and ten are dressed as what I believe are called ‘cowboys,’ something from before Panem was founded. Eleven are dressed in denim overalls and white shirts, and on their head are straw hats. The girl looks very disgruntled, and I can’t blame her, the costume is horrible.

From what I can tell, we are easily going to be the most memorable this year.

The tributes from five shift to the left a fraction, allowing me to see the boy and girl from four. I gasp. Their costume is not particularly spectacular or amazing or anything. They simply have fishing nets covering the places that would be indecent to show to the crowd. The girl shows off her toned legs and stomach, and appears to be completely at ease in her practically naked state. Blaine on the other hand, seems more than uncomfortable, standing there shirtless.

I cannot help but staring at his tanned and muscular body. He runs his hand through his dark curls, his muscles flexing as he does so. The girl pays no attention to him whatsoever, instead scanning the crowd like I was before. For what seems like an hour, but in reality is probably only a few minutes, I stare at Blaine. His olive skin. His beautiful curly hair. His perfectly toned body.

Suddenly his eyes dart my way. Blushing ferociously, I avert my gaze. I was nearly caught staring at him, and I really don’t think that that’d go down to well. Let’s just say, most guys don’t take well to another guy looking at them like that. Was I looking at him like that? No, I was just… admiring his costume. Why am I lying to myself? Of course I was looking at him like that. I have liked him that way ever since I saw him during the recap of the reaping. No. Why am I thinking that? I’m a boy. Boys aren’t supposed to like other boys like that. It must just be the shock of the Games doing things to my head.

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