I hugged Demi and she immediately made me feel better. She knew everything now and that's the best I can do.

"Do you have any idea why Kenzie's doing this?" I asked.

"Kenzie's a sweet girl. I think it's extreme jealousy. I think Wilmer favoring Kenna really messed with her. And I don't know if he said more to her than I heard."

"Do you know if the twins heard things from you they shouldn't have?" I wondered if Kenna told her that piece.

"I don't think so. I was careful."

"Kenna told me she used to hear you crying at night."

"Oh god. Oh my god." Demi grabbed her forehead.


"She probably heard Wilmer hitting me...."

"Did she know he abused you?"

"No." My heart sank. I had to break Demi's heart again.

"Well she told me he hurt you."

"Oh no. No!" Demi reached down to her wrist and stared at it.

"Demi no! Be strong remember?"

"Cece if she heard that... She heard my nightmares... She heard my cries about my weight, and about my cutting. She's heard everything!"

"Demi it's okay! You didn't know!"

"I know."

"Deep breaths. Don't blame yourself. I can't lose you." I pleaded.

"I'm okay. I have ways to cope now. Hold on I'm getting a phone call."

Demi stepped into the hallway to take the call.

I felt at peace for the first time in awhile. I wasn't alone. I was doing well with my recovery, and I had Demi to help the situation with the twins.

"Cece?" Demi returned to the couch. "That was Kenzie's manager."


"Kenzie got the part."

The words were thrown at me like knives, jabbing me in my newly-healed wounds, piercing them open again.

"This is going to drastically change our lives if we accept. I don't know if I can do that to Kenna."

I nodded.

"But they need in answer in the next hour."

"You have to ask Kenna first."

I wanted to yell at Demi. How could she even consider letting Kenzie do this after all she's done? Kenzie should be punished! Not propped up on a pedestal as the next disney princess.

"I'm going to go talk to her now."

"I'm coming."

We walked into Kenna's room to find her stacking the books she had thrown into a pile.

"Sweetie can I talk to you about something important?"

"Again?" Kenna whined.

"This is about that audition Kenzie went out for."

"She got it, didn't she?" Kenna looked heartbroken.

"She did. I was wondering what your thoughts were about what we should do. It's a family decision."

"She has to accept it mommy. It's everything she's ever wanted."

"Sweetie are you sure? We would have to move to LA. Kenzie would be working a lot and things would be much different."

"I don't care. It's her dream."

"Kenna... Remember how I told you about when I was famous? If this show is a hit people will be talking about our family. This isn't just Kenzie. You'll be in the spotlight too."

"I don't care mom! I want her to do this, okay?"

"Thanks for your input baby girl." Demi walked away.

Something wasn't right. Kenna could not possibly allow Demi to uproot her and fly to LA. What is going through Demi's mind? She should know better than anyone that 5 is too young to do this.

"Kenna are you sure this is what you want?" I asked softly.

"I want whatever Kenzie wants." Kenna sounded almost robotic.

"You're such a sweet sister."

"I have to be." Kenna whispered.


Do you think Demi will let Kenzie accept the role or not?

Let me know your thoughts on that, and what you thought of the chapter.

I got so many comments last chapter, thank you all so so much! Every time you take your time to comment it means the world.

Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now