A/N: I'm Back!!! Also, Art Contest!!!

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Dear Readers, my lovely bones,

I am happy to announce that I officially back!!! While I know I wasn't the fastest at updating my stories, I basically completely disappeared from Wattpad over the last few weeks. This was for many reasons. All of it is for personal reasons, but funny enough it's the part that most wouldn't think would be the part I would want to share that is going to be the part I'm sharing. The first half of why I disappeared is a good thing that made my honestly focus in on that rather than my stories, but on top of this happiness that I won't go into detail on, I also hit a serious wall where my mental and emotional health took a plummet. I'm alright honestly, but I lost my motivation to even reach out to my friends let alone get back on here and update or even keep track of what's going on, but I am back now! For better or for worse with inspiration for really all of my stories! I might even have some new ones coming out as well, to be honest, to add even more to my plate! These new stories will be both fan fictions and originals.

Anyways! For the second part of this, I am opening up the opportunity (though it was always an option before) for fan art! This will be posted on all of my stories so no matter which story is your favorite, you can do whatever! SKILL LEVEL MATTERS NOT TO ME!!! I want to see everyone's that feels inspired! I appreciate every single piece of fan art I have been given! I would love to fill the chapter media of my stories, especially on my lesser known ones!

Anyways! Until next time, my lovely bones! Goodbye!

~ The Arcus of Artifex ~

By Any Other Name (Flowerfell Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now