Chapter 6 - Chara's Day

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"Though she be but little, she is fierce."

- William Shakespeare

I wasn't like Sans. I felt no obligation to protect the weak. I had no weakness for the vulnerable, but that didn't mean I was heartless either. I wasn't going to abandon Frisk on her one and only day without Sans being her loyal guard dog. Now, I wasn't any guardian angel, but maybe she could settle for a guardian demon.

I watched as Frisk said goodbye to Sans, and to be honest, he looked more worried about it than she did. His brow was slightly furrowed, and he had yet to give a full smile to her like he normally did. The fact that she even got him to smile at all was surprising. Frisk could tell that Sans was worried as she smiled up at him and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go. The bell rang, indicating that it was time to head to our classes, so Frisk rushed forward, hugging Sans quickly and wishing him a good day before running back over to me. I chuckled seeing Sans frozen in place for a moment, but as he turned away to head to ISS, I caught that small smile on his face. Oh boy. He really was gone.

I took her to her class like I was supposed to, and she gave me that friendly little smile of hers as she thanked me for it. I chuckled, sisterly instincts kicking in as I ruffled her hair and replied, "No problem, brat." Most people would be offended by such a nickname, but she seemed to understand it as she smiled at me before going to her seat. I scanned the room for any possible threats, and there did seem to be one...a familiar face that I was honestly surprised to see. I didn't even know she was in Frisk's grade, but now that I did, I would need to make sure that I kept an out for her being around Frisk or having an interest in her. I narrowed my eyes as the other girl noticed me, chuckling as she gave me a cocky little wave. I would have to deal with her later because if I didn't leave now, I would be late for my own class. Thankfully, I had a little bit of leeway being Frisk's temporary partner for the day.

The day seemed to fly by and yet it still felt like it was crawling along. It was finally lunch time, and I was one of the last to arrive at the mess hall, spotting Frisk almost immediately where she stood looking a little lost and alone. I chuckled and made my way over to her as Asriel joined me asking, "We gonna sit with the kid?"

"I don't know about you, Azzy, but I am," I replied as Frisk spotted us and smiled. "Obligations and all that."

Asriel shrugged and responded, "Why not?"

"Hi, Chara! Hi, Asriel!" Frisk greeted warmly, her smile contagious as both I and my brother smiled back. This girl seemed to be a damn miracle worker with smiles. Asriel grinned at her, nudging her shoulder as he asked, "What's cookin', good lookin'?"

I rolled my eyes and nearly pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, but the pick-up line seemed to fly over Frisk's head as her face conveyed her confusion, and she replied, "Certainly not me. I don't even think they have cooks here." I smirked slightly as she made an innocent joke in return, not even noticing the intentions of Asriel's previous question. He glanced at me amused, but there was a spark in his eyes, a spark that was never good. Challenge accepted.

I went to head towards a surprisingly empty lunch table, but I was stopped as Frisk grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the doors to the outside area. I was bewildered and slightly irked, but who was I to argue with a girl that only ever had good intentions? Asriel was just as confused as he followed after us as Frisk took us outside and led us over to an empty table. The weather was chilly, but neither Frisk and Asriel seemed to be bothered by the cold as they took their seats at the table. I just shrugged to myself and sat next to Asriel, opposite of Frisk as I set my tray down. The look on Asriel's face told me there was going to be trouble, and I wasn't wrong, but it also wasn't what I was expecting...As much as Sans loved his puns and pick-up lines, so did Asriel. It was the one thing they had in common.

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