(non-official) Arianna, The Holy Town Part One

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Arianna, The Holy Town

Part One

In a faraway land, in a continent that majestically floated over the ocean, in a city defined by its beauty, light, and warmth, a certain man laid on the cold, marble floor, cheeks squished against the cold surface. After a while, he slowly started to regain consciousness, his eyes opening slowly, starting to blink as they took in their surroundings.

Looking up, he saw the figure of a girl, shadowed against the pouring white light that came from the window behind her. Her cute voice laughed in a maniacal, satisfied, victorious way at the skies.

“See! This is the extent of my power! Hahahahaha!”

The man blinked once more, slightly supporting his body up from the floor. Another figure, shadowed from the light, a tall, slender form, seemed to glance his way. “Nana-sama, it seems your power has gotten a little rusty. Someone has woken up.” The voice was blank and serious, deep in tone.

“Hm?” The girl’s shadowed figure turned, a hint of amusement in her tone. “Hoo, so he has finally woken up! I was waiting for this.”

“I’m sorry, Nana-sama, but I do not understand.”

“It can’t be helped then! Who can tell what is inside my genius, complicated mind? I will enlighten you!”


“So, you see…this trash here!” She pointed at the man, making him start, “Has been purposely hit into unconsciousness, so that I could, slowly, painfully, and pleasurably torture him, taking my sweet time, when all was done and dealt with! Hahahahaha!”

“W-What do you mean? T-Torture me…? Why?!” The man was desperate at this point, bringing his aching body up into a sitting position, staring right at that rude pointing finger. “Why?!”

The girl stopped laughing, and leaned down, staring right in the eye. Now that she was close, he was able to see her for more than a shadow. Her face was completely void of any emotion as she started unblinkingly.

The man swallowed dry. Now that he could see her, his heart skipped a beat. She was very pretty, the noble, elegant type of beauty. Her slightly slanted hazel eyes looked so intensely into his as her shiny, glossy lips opened slightly, revealing the words: “Just because.”

Then, as if taking off a mask, she broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Her companion just stood at her back, as if he was used to her ever changing emotions by now.

Soon, her expression changed once more. This time it was a contorted, evil smile as she chuckled softly to herself, gazing maliciously at the man. “Hehehe…shall we start? Hehehe…”

“Noooooooo!!!!” The man screamed in horror, as he thought “Why me?” Little did he know, that in her subconscious, she had heard the comment: “Look at that indecent form!” and twitched in her sleep. When she woke up and saw his face, there was immediate hatred- dislike. And that’s why she found the most pleasure as she tortured the impudent man, her laughter raising to the skies…

“Hm? Did you hear something?” Bast suddenly asked, after a miraculous time of peaceful quiet.

It seems like, dear reader, that evil- unique minds are connected.

The four heroes of our tale were currently walking in the dead of the night. A bright moon shone overhead, but was barely visible behind the foliage of the trees, whose roots were way bigger than normal, flitting up from the land and placing themselves as big obstacles. Fortunately, there was a certain path were they did not sprout from, and so they were forced to follow it and to wherever it lead with no choice.

“Hear something? It’s probably just your breathing! Even though it’s you, you shouldn’t be surprised at something like that.” I answered without looking back, speaking up after having ignored him for a long time. That’s why it had been quiet.

“I must admit…that was a good one.”

Glancing to the side, hair covering his face slightly, I saw Ryuu. Since I’m the all-knowing me, I caught the vestige of a blush right away, and that was the beginning of my perplexity and incomprehension at the boy called Ryuu. That was nothing to blush about, right? Though it’s amusing to see that appear on a face that barely changes expression.

“Finally deciding to speak, eh? I almost thought you were mute! Hahahahaha!” Bast was the most hateful- cheerful boy you could meet. He would never realize when he was looked down upon, or criticized. He laughed and smiled. Always.

A small form had constantly been bumping into the side of my back, almost in a rhythm. Finally exhausting my not yet well-trained ignoring nerves, I stopped, making the figure bump again, stronger this time. Looking back at the disoriented, eye-spinning girl who sleepily rubbed her red eyes, I asked simply: “Sleepy?”

“N-No…” She said, before covering her mouth and letting out a small yawn.

“Sleepy?” I asked again in my ever blank way, both expression and tone.

“No…” Her eyes started to close again, and she was unconsciously taking a step forward to walk, as if in habit, only to bump into my unmoving form. She shook her head slightly, as if to wake up.

“Sleepy?” I asked again, as if I had immeasurable patience.

“If you’re sleepy, how about I carry you?” Bast asked with a brighter smile than normal. A shiver went down my spine and Bellatrix cowered, grasping at my dress. “N-No…I-I’m not sleepy! I said-” But, Bast was already lifting her body up in the air.

“Stop! There’s no way I will fall asleep on your back! Hey! Listen!” Indeed, it seemed like something impossible for anyone to do. And that’s why it took Bellatrix 0.7 seconds more than usual for her to fall asleep as soon as her head fell to his back in the piggy-back-ride position. And then she breathed deeply, making Bast smile contently, almost humming.

As we continued walking, he said: “This atmosphere is so nice, isn’t it? It’s almost like we are one big loving family! There is the lovely cute mother, the handsome father, and the beautiful little daughter peacefully sleeping on his back! Hahahaha!”

Ryuu looked back with an intense stare, thinking “where am I in the picture?” making Bast’s smile twitch slightly. However, he ignored the feeling and continued laughing.

“You’re going to wake the “beautiful little daughter” up, you stupid father. Go die in a hole, and come to the next life with some common sense.”

Bast did stop his loud laughter, even though there was no way that deeply sleeping girl, who could even fall asleep on the back of someone she feared, would wake up. Instead, a cheeky grin spread across his features, one that asked: “Tough love? <3”

Hands clenching, face as blank as always, I looked forward and ignored the gaze piercing my back. Looking for some distraction, I glanced to the side at Ryuu, noticing something. “What happened to all your books? You had a lot before.”

“I read them all. Once is enough for me to remember everything.” He didn’t glance my way as he spoke, and I noticed something. Then, something gleamed in my eyes, the only evidence of my emotions, and if I could have smiled, I would. Secretly, I thought: “Lucky. <3”

I did what I had to do. Secretly

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