Chapter 13 - Estelle Doll Part One

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Chapter 13 – Estelle Doll Part One

 What? What about me, you ask? Well, I guess we have reached that part of the tale, after all. Then, I will tell you my part. We shall now focus on a certain city mentioned earlier in the tale. Would you like a clue, dear reader? Here it is: Without my knowledge, I had actually lived near a devil- angel. Have you been able to guess where? No matter, for I will tell you anyway. It was the City of Light – the most beautiful city in all of the continent.

The light shining on it was always gentle and pure white. Everything always looked the brightest it could be, and even the most ugly thing would shine beautifully under the magical glow. It was a warm city, not the sticky sick type, but fuzzy warm, the type that touches your heart and makes you feel good. Even the snow that covered the streets all year long was warm, always decorated by those delicate petals of cherry pink.

like the snow, the Sakura trees that stood around everywhere you looked, would rain down soft petals all year round, creating the most beautiful, delicate view in the whole of the Heavenly continent. I don't think even a city in the heavens themselves would be able to compare with the utter beauty of this city, the city I was born and raised in. Oh, the joy of bathing in that gentle light, feeling the softness of both snow and cherry blossoms falling on my skin!

And I know what you are asking right about now, dear reader: “Why are you babbling about such nonsense? Where are you?” Well, I shall show you then. See that tree that looks too big to be normal, raining down pink petals while mixing with the falling snow, and bathing that girl who twirls under its twigs in softness and love? Do you see the happy girl, who laughs, twirls, and dances covered in snow flakes and cherry blossoms? You do? Okay. Now zoom back, all the way to that mansion of pure white, right into the open window where white curtains of silk flutter, and look at the girl who leans her elbow on the railing, resting her chin on her hand as she looks at the aforementioned girl and her utter happiness with expressionless longing. I know that might not make sense, but, that's me, the girl who, though lives in such a beautiful place, can never go outside and enjoy its beauty. This, dear reader, is what I call torture of the worst kind.

Now, even though Bast is currently at my side, saying: “That's not what they want to know; just introduce yourself already!” I know that you all really want to know how one can be expressionless while also showing longing. Well, it is actually quite a simple matter. You simply show no expression on your face, but look with eyes that long for something - in my case, going outside. And even if Bast insists: “Haha! No one can see that!” with an evil- bright laughter, you can. It might be hard to catch, can. Yeah...Probably. Ahem! Anyway...I do realize you are wondering who I am. And no Bast, you weren't right about anything.

Where was I? Right. My name is Estelle Doll, and I'm a Doll. No, not the kind little girls play with and older ones use as decoration – I am from the doll race, the race said to be the most beautiful even among the most beautiful of the heavenly races. Legend says that when the gods were designing us, the heavenly beings, the god of light, Lux, got very angry with the other gods' designs. They were, and I quote: “too not shiny.” So, of course, he refused to take part in making these beings that were “too not shiny.”

The other gods, knowing they needed him if they did not want to create evil beings of darkness, which would be nothing more than demons, decided to make a deal with Lux. In return for taking part in all heavenly beings' creations, he would have the right to decide the design of one of them all by himself – and the Dolls were then created.

It is said Lux took days to rack his godly brain and come up with the best and most beautiful design, one of such beauty that even the gods would not be able to compare to. Because of this, the creation of all beings heavenly was delayed, but finally Lux had come up with his “masterpiece.”

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