Chapter 17 - First Step

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Volume One, PART TWO

Chapter 17 – First step to becoming a trail of chaos: meet up with others and wreak havoc together

In a land far away, floating in the skies of heaven – a continent for heavenly beings stood. Though there are many different lands and many different races inhabiting them, our story brings us to one little girl in the beautiful City of Light.

Considered one of the ten heavenly wonders, the whole city was a magnificent structure of marble buildings that glittered below the always azure skies. The sun always shone the brightest, yet it was never unbearable – it gave off the kind of sweet warmness that makes one giggle and smile. And while basking in this sweet joy, the fluffy snowflakes slowly falling down from a cloudless sky tickled the skin in a playful manner and were never cold.

As little Azusa started at the boy before her, she couldn’t help but think he was the personification of the town itself. Hair so golden even the sun seemed to lose, eyes so azure it was as if you were staring into the softest of skies. Even his skin was the pale of those who stood under the sun without ever feeling its heat. And his smile…it was the brightest, most incandescent smile she had ever seen.

“T-The…the god of Light?”

The city of Light is the city blessed by the god of Light. It is his magic that makes its beauty, and so she couldn’t help but think it was this person. She was so fascinated and entranced, that she didn’t notice the screaming and chaotic running of the people around her, the pulling of her mother’s hand on hers, ever so desperate, or even the bloody sword hanging from the godly boy’s pale hand. She just stood there, eyes sparkling as she took in the pointy-eared elf – Bast.

As Bast emerged from the dark hole and stepped onto the white stoned ground of the plaza, he couldn’t help but reveal his brightest smile – one of true bliss. Looking around him, he saw people in all different sizes and colors. Some even had animal ears! The many races of the Heavenly continent had gathered in this city just to see its beauty, so the variety was enormous. Especially for the isolated elf who had lived all his life in a forest with nothing but others elves and animals.

And as he saw them start running and screaming, he couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement. City folk really are so lively! Just as it should be. The elf still hadn’t, and still hasn’t to this day, realized that he caused this reaction in people. He was a truly stupid- innocent elf.

Starting to walk among the people, he casually waved at them with a bright smile and thus started to explore the city oblivious.

“Hey, did you hear? They say a shiny hared devil appeared at the fountain of fortune with a bloody sword!”

“Did he kill them all?”

“I heard it become the fountain of misfortune!”

“No way! This is the city of Light. Nothing bad ever happens here.”

As he heard the passing whispered-too-loud gossip, Bast laughed. Wow, there is even such an interesting guy! I wonder if I could meet him. Then we could fight to our hearts content! Hahaha!

The gossiping lady suddenly stopped, her eyes shining and glittering as if she were young again, “Such a pretty boy…”

As if it were normal for a murderer to brandish a bloody sword in broad daylight, Bast had called the man – or rather himself – interesting. And as he laughed with such an evil- innocent thought, the ladies couldn’t help but blush at the very murderer they had just described. If only they knew…Just stare into his eyes already! Why can’t anyone else see that damned evilness? I-!

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