Chapter 6 - Bellatrix Part Two

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Chapter 6 - Bellatrix Part Two

Even though Bellatrix was an orphan, she grew up like any other celosian. She was taken in by a mean- friendly family, and undertook the same four lessons any celosian child had to: horse-back riding (or more like running from the horse as tears spilled from her eyes); swordsmanship (running from all the other children as they held their wooden swords, tears falling once more); hunting (running from all the animals or even the slightest noise, tears falling as always); and the art of a blacksmith (really running from the teacher as he held a red hot piece of metal, or just running because she hurt her finger with the tools, again tears falling down nonstop). In the end, no one beat Bellatrix when it came too running. If a enemy happened to appear, you could count on her being the first to disappear in a poof, leaving only a trail of spoke and a tear stained trail behind.

Sigh. And once more, I know what you are thinking, dear reader: “First a barbaric and bloodthirsty elf, now a crybaby celosian?” But, other than this being the painful truth, there is also the fact that no one seems to think I deserve privacy when writing, and so the person in question is sitting right next to me on a small stool, red eyes glued to the paper sparkling excitedly. Not willing to hear another earful of annoying- pitiful crying, I shall move on and continue the tale.

The man who had taken in the small Bellatrix with his wife, a women who couldn't have children, was called Zar. As expected of a celosian, he was tall, well built, strong, with tanned skin and dark brown hair. Being the best blacksmith in the city, he was looked up to by many. His creations were always sturdy and strong, cutting easily through any obstacle in its way.

When he had adopted the young Bellatrix into his family, he had expected to gain a nice heir who would take on the family business. Instead, he was faced with the small crying form of the six year old Bellatrix, red and sore all over. If it weren't for his huge patience, I have no idea what would have become of her in the end.

The small girl before him had the eyes which belonged to any celosian, the bright red gleaming amidst the tears. But, unlike any celosian, she had pale skin, light pink hair, and a slight frail body. If it were only this, it would be no problem at all. In fact, he was well aware of what she looked like when he adopted her as a baby. The real problem was her personality.

His dark features glistened with sweat, looking both strained and troubled at the wailing girl. It was now not a strange sight, but it wasn't a welcome one.

“What is it?” His voice sounded strained as he closed his red eyes, brows furrowed together.

She sniffled and sniffled amidst sobs, trying to form words in her trembling voice. The result wasn't clear at all, and the only words which formed in his mind were “run” and “sword.” That was enough. He had gone through this so many times already, and so he felt like he had to do something.

Sighing, he leaned down, his red eyes now on level with her watery ones. He looked right at her, and spoke in a soft voice. “I know it is hard for you. And I know you aren't the most talented, but I also know that if you put your mind to it, really work hard and don't cry, you can become as good as anyone else.” As the words left his mouth, he felt he had said a truly good thing.

In response, the small pale hands of Bellatrix went up to wipe away her tear stained face, a glimmer of hope shining in her red eyes as she slightly looked up to her father's. “R-Really?”

The soft and gentle smile almost seemed out of place on Zar's fierce features as he ruffled her long smooth pink hair. “Really.” This earned him an honest and innocent smile that could only come from a child as Bellatrix felt like she saw the light at the end of the tunnel. And so, seeing her smile and not cry for once, he felt in his heart his words had reached her, and that things would finally change.

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