Chapter 15 - Estelle Doll Part Three

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Chapter 15 - Estelle Doll Part three

The current matter of karma is put to the side for the moment as the tale brings us to yet another day in the life of the gods. The love goddess has already found her next victim- love, and is currently pursuing him. Her very own red eyes have turned into two big hearts that pierce- lovingly gaze at the object of her affections. Meanwhile, said object of affections is having a staring contest with a glass jar filled with a pink liquid – a tea made from the pink flower blooming amidst it, to be more precise.

The pink liquid beautifully sparkles under the bright sunlight, glowing with life. The two blue eyes that intensely stare at it do not seem to grow tired, not even blinking. The two red hearts- I mean love-struck eyes do not blink either as the goddess gives a calming sigh. She is far too content with staring at the beautiful creature of light before her. Even though said creature is mesmerized by the brilliance of a liquid, it is nothing compared to his shiny blonde hair, like strings of gold under the sun, or even his deep eyes, like the bluest ocean glittering under the sun on the calmest of days.

With a light smile playing at his rosy lips, the goddess's heart flutters. “So handsome~” she thinks as she sees it. However, a different emotion soon takes over. Oh no, his lovely features! Why does he look so disappointed? Even though she also thinks of how handsome he looks even while disappointed, her heart can't help but pang seeing his face slightly pouting as he holds his delicate teacup of white and pink upside down, watching as only a single drop of pink drips down.

The selfish- considerate person she is, she decides to show him her good points by leaning over the little table of white, cutely placed in the gazebo amidst the garden, reaching for that jar, ready to pour the hot liquid...on his lap. Well, of course, that wasn't where it was supposed to go. But, his lap was so close to the teacup he held in his fair hand...and the weight of her assets, which she had been so focused on showing him, had inclined her a bit too far...

Immediately, the beautiful face of the goddess of love went from a perfect tan to a sickly pale. She watches as the pink liquid flows beautifully over his perfectly ironed white suit, slowly tainting it. Her red eyes grow somber, flickering with fear. She gulps, urging herself to look up despite the despair and fear taking over her body, the hand still holding the jar trembling together with her lean form.

Just as she expected, the man before her had the brightest smile anyone could have. It was as if the sun in the sky shone especially strong on him, making him give off a godly aura even to a fellow god. It was brighter than any smile even he had shown before, but some instinct told her to not trust it. The light god Lux always smiled. Especially when he was angry. How could he frown? It was so ugly – so “not shiny.” He could only force himself extra hard to smile despite his anger, resulting in this beautiful image of the purest and brightest light – the worst nightmare.

As she saw the devil behind the mask of that smile, as her eyes glanced towards his normally shiny and glittering eyes, like a calm sea under the brightest sky, she saw the tempest – the dark waters hitting each other fiercely in an anger that truly demonstrated the will of a god.

Everyone knows the light god Lux loves shiny and beautiful things. So, how would he feel about someone destroying his lovely and perfectly white suit? He would obviously be very angry! And very petty- I mean shiny!

It is at this moment that the horror of what she has done suddenly strikes her to her very core. Her life full of love and lovers suddenly starts flashing before her very eyes – The god of darkness and his lovely eyes of the blackest despair, inviting her to his cruel- sweet embrace...; the patisserie she had seen in the human world, creating the sweetest of sweets...; the especially tall dwarf jeweler, creating the most beautiful pieces to be presented to her...; and many such others fools- loves. These sweet memories flow through her whole being, warming her heart. “Ah~ I can die happy.” She thinks. Then, other memories flow in her mind – how the god of darkness had truly invited her to a sweet embrace...of death (apparently, he only liked cold bodies, so she had to become some sort of zombie), how she was becoming chubby after eating so many sweets (and also how the patisserie was becoming fat!), how she had worn so many pieces of jewelery that ended up shining too bright for her to see, weighed too much for her walk properly, and finally, made it so she couldn't bend to kiss her love...

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