They call it new year

Comincia dall'inizio

Her eyes met mine and she too looked like there was something brewing behind her expression. But she never got the chance to express it because a knock on my bedroom door tore us away from our conversation.

Chester, dressed up in a smartly put together suit, stood in the doorway of my bedroom. A kind smile sat upon his face and he considered us both with approving glances, "You both look great."

"Don't we just," Ivy gleamed, jokingly slipping her hands down her waist and confidently beaming in his direction.

Chuckling beneath his breath, Chester simply rolled his eyes before nodding down the hallway he had came, "Are you two ready to leave?"

Nodding I grabbed my clutch and moved in his direction, "Of course," I smiled, approving him slowly, feeling Ivy move with me.

"Good," He sighed with relief, "Because Caspian's getting really impatient."

"He's been waiting all of five minutes," Ivy commented, referring back to when we'd both noted my brother rushing past my bedroom door a few minutes prior.

"I know," Chester shrugged helplessly, "but he's just excited."

"Come on then," I heaved a sigh, my hand brushing against Chester's forearm and tugging him along with me out of my bedroom, "Before he combusts."

As if they had taken me seriously, Chester and Ivy joined me in hurrying down the apartments hallways to the set of stairs. My brother paced at the bottom of them in the hallway leading to the front door. His neck was craned down as he furiously typed something into his phone but he stopped when he noticed us tumbling down the stairs.

"Jesus," He huffed, shoving his phone into his pocket, "How long does it take you two?"

"You're no better," Chester mumbled as he walked up to my brother and situated himself firmly beside him, "It must have taken you about an hour to get your hair like that."

"Very funny," Caspian noted half-heartedly towards Chester before acknowledging me and Ivy, "Now can we go?"

Off the bottom of banister I plucked up my silky jacket I had left there earlier and threw it over my arm, "Yes," I smiled sarcastically in his direction.

"Good," Caspian puffed out a relieved breath, walking backwards in the path of the door, "We're meeting Oliver in twenty at  Graces. Do we need to go over the plan again?"

From beside me I heard Ivy groan slightly. I felt her pain entirely.

"Definitely not," She uttered, her arms thrown in a cross over her chest and her leg jutted outwards so that her hip dipped out with attitude.

"So we'll have a couple drinks at Graces apartment first," My brother proceeded, blissfully ignoring Ivy and mines disapproving attitudes, "Then we'll move onto that restaurant I booked and then we'll meet everyone else at the outset, sound right?"

"Did we really need to go over that again?" I asked him, shoulders puffed up in a directed shrug.

"It sounds right to me," Chester spoke over me quickly to appease my brother.

"Thank you Chester," Caspian smugly grinned, throwing me a quick look of annoyance, "No can we actually leave? The cars are waiting."

Fluttering my hands forward I gestured down the hallways, rushing them two ahead of us, "Come on, move then."

Turning on their heels the two boys moved forward and with them we followed shortly behind, both silent as if we were wrapped up in our thoughts.


The AristocratDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora