The Path I Have Chosen

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  Helio cradles the Jaionta leaves. He turns his attention to the base where it was cut free from its mother plant. Oozing out is a clear gel. He runs his fingers over it, trying to estimate the amount of gel. Satisfied, he picks up the one beside it and hands them to the Wind Nymph, asking him to wrap them. Amsyn will kill him if any of the gel spills. The vendor hands him the wrapped bundle and Helio drops four platinum coins into his dirt covered hands. The Nymph thanks him in Fulorish.

Tossing his red hair over his shoulder, he opens up the flap of his bag and lowers the bundle into it before dropping the flap. He weaves his way through the crowd, careful not to allow the bag to brush up against anyone.

A commotion occurring down the street draws his attention. He sees the crowd part while shouting curses both in Fulorish and their native tongues. Helio is thrown into the wooden post of a stand. His hand immediately goes to his bag, relieved to find it still on his other side. He hears a chorus of voices shout 'thief' in the opposite direction.

'Amsyn is going to kill.'

He pushes his way through the recovering crowd, throwing apologies over his shoulder and then yelling ahead for creatures to get out of the way. He catches a glimpse of blue before it disappears into the alley. Helio veers off into the space between stores. Grabbing the tail end of his tunic he throws him against the stone walls, leaving an impact. Coins spill out of the thief's bag as it hits the ground.

"Did no one teach you stealing is wrong?" Helio demands.

He looks at the thief's face for the first time and instantly feels it. Banshees have no physical mark to identify them with. They don't have pointed ears or animalistic features, but there is a aura about them. A feeling is perhaps is the better way to describe it. Like death or a premonition of an oncoming doom. Helio doesn't shrink in fear, instead tightening his grip on the ragged tunic.

The Banshee moves to open his mouth, Helio covers it with his hand. He has heard rumors of what a Banshee's scream can do. He would rather not find out.

Helio draws out his claws and draconic teeth. Patches of blood red scales ripple across his exposed flesh. The Banshee's eyes widen and he tries to protest, but its muffled by Helio's hand.

"Listen carefully: You are going to return what you have stole. All of it. If I ever hear of you stealing again I will find you and you what they say: there is no wrath like that of a Dragon's." He smiles wide, allowing the Banshee to witness the rows of razor sharp teeth that fills his mouth. "Do you understand?" Helio asks. "Nod yes." The Banshee obediently does as he says.

Amsyn threads the needle through under the laceration. She pulls and the string pushes the wound close. The woman to whom the wound belongs hisses as she does this. Amsyn mumbles an apology and asks her to hold still in Fulorish before amending it to Nyard. The Water Nymph waves off her apology and gestures for her to continue.

The woman was one of eleven aboard a boat that washed up on shore early this morning. She was one of the only four that were alive. After Helio helped the fishermen to drag the boat ashore he rushed home to alert Amsyn. All of them are suffering from malnutrition and dehydration as well as an assortment of wounds. Two of the Nymphs suffered stab wounds; one to the side below the rib cage. It was severely infected and Amsyn doubts he will survive, but she has done her best. The other suffered a shallow stab wound located on his right leg and though it was infected Amsyn as able to clean it and with proper food and rest he should recover. The third Nymph; a young woman scarcely appearing to be out of her teens was battling sickness brought on by being out at sea for a prolonged amount of time as well as a lack of substance. Her case was the simplest requiring only rest and food.

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