37- Unfinished Business

Start from the beginning

Her soil-colored eyes roll playfully at my antics. "Whatever Kirst."

"Anyways, we need to go to first hour or we'll be late. Let's go," I say, motioning for her to follow me as I begin to walk towards the direction of where my class is. It's not too close; it's almost all the way on the other side of the school, so we have a long ways to walk.

Hers is even farther, and she has Math for first hour, which sucks worse than my situation with Victoria in my own class. Victoria I can handle, although Math, apparently, I cannot.

She nods in agreement and falls in step with me. Despite her casual seemingly appearance, something in my brain rings in alarm that I know something is off with her. It's not in her body language, which is as confident as ever, but more in her face.

"What's on your mind?" I question, turning my head so I can view her troubled expression.

"Carolynn," she sighs, as if that one name explains the whole lot of her worries.

"Okay. And?" I articulate, hinting for her to continue.

"I know she's been acting weird. And before you deny it like you have been whenever I ask you, I also know for a fact it's because of Axel. I might not be in four AP classes like Sam, but I'm smart enough to realize this."

"How did you find out?"

"Besides the incident in McDonalds? She face timed me late last night and was so upset, but when I'd ask her why she would shake her head and tell me to ask you. I guess she just didn't want to talk about it."

I inwardly grimance at the mention of myself, a small thread of dread weaving itself into my mood. I knew somehow someway Tay was going to find out about what's happening between Axel and Carolynn, and I knew she already had a hunch, but I never thought I was going to be the one to tell her. I get Carolynn though, and I'm not mad at her. I respect that she knows her limits.

Drawing in a deep breath, I reluctantly elaborate what the situation is. "Axel and Carolynn like each other. At least, I'm pretty sure. They've been acting so weird towards each other, it leaves even me guessing sometimes. "

"How do you know?" She persists, clearly eager to get details.

I briefly close my eyes, preparing myself for a full on outburst that is bound to come after the words that leave my mouth.

"I saw them kiss. And it was after the dare they had to."

I thought she was surprised when she found out I am wearing her shirt, but the current expression on her face is easily five times that.

"WHAT?" She thunders, stride faltering the slightest bit at the unexpected news.

To my dismay, the loud sound attracts everyone's attention within a ten foot radius. I know this because I can see peoples head swivel out of my peripheral, non doubtedly due to Taylor's distraction. On top of that, I can sharply feel the keen presence of judgeful eyes, which slide between me and the girl in shock next to me.

"Calm down, Tay," I whisper, a feeble attempt at quieting the newly passionate teenager.

She either doesn't hear me or is to riled up to become tranquil. Probably the latter knowing her.

"When did you see this?! How long ago was it? Why didn't she tell―"

With the bell going to ring in a minute and the factor that I'm ten steps away from my class, I halt her from continuing her never-ending questions.

"Slow your roll. We'll talk about it a different time, okay? I have to get to class."

The corners of her eyes seem to turn down in disappoint, but otherwise she nods. "Alright. See ya, K."

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