Chapter 19 Simple

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(Venus' POV)

It's been 2 weeks sense I have heard from Katherine

At first it was just my brothers whom were so protective of me, but now that Katherine is back, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah are also always by my side

I'm not complaining, but I wouldn't mind being alone with my own thoughts

Although all five of them are always around me, I try my hardest to stay away from Klaus

From what I've seen, he isn't all that bad

Although I've been constantly warned by both his siblings and the stories that everyone tells

The great and terrible barbarian, the beast, the savage

To be honest, all he has been towards me is civil, I guess you could even call it kind

I just didn't know what everyone was so uptight about

Like I said before, I try to stay away from him, not because I'm afraid of him, because I'm not, but because I don't know how to act around him

With my brothers it is so simple, I can be an idiot and not worry that they know it, because they will be idiots along with me

With Elijah, it's also simple he sees me and all he does it smile. I can be myself around him and just have fun

Then I have Rebekah, who is just like a sister to me

And finally there is Klaus

He is kind, but everytime I see him, it's almost like he is expecting something from me and I don't know what it is

I dont know how a mate should act or what I should do

How am I supposed to change someone, who doesn't seem to want to be changed?

He seems very content with the way he is now, it's very different then when I was with Mikhail

I don't know how to explain my time with him, everything was so easy. We would never argue, our time together was the best thing in the world

Ever sense he had died, the life around me, just seemed to crumble and now that I have the chance to get answers, my brothers don't want to me expose myself

It's kind of funny if you ask me

If they were to do something dangerous, I would tell them no. Now that I'm talking to Katherine, they want to say no

We make rules, that we want others to follow, but we ourselfs, don't want to follow them

Kind of ironic and hypocritical if you ask me

Right now, I was driving with Rebekah towards the Salvator boarding house

"Penny for your thought?" she asked, turning over to look at me

"I was just thinking about how much my life has changed" I said, looking at her

"How do you mean?" she asked, turning to look at me

"Well, just a couple of centuries ago, I was living with the man I loved. Now he is dead and I'm living with my brothers. I have a mate who everyone says is a monster. My best friend is a girl, who kidnapped me and her other brother is a sweet man who seems to have all the answers, but doesn't want to share them. And the person whom I hate most in this world, is the only other one who can give me what I want. Tell me, how has my life not changed" I asked, smiling a little but

"Point taken" she giggled

I sighed slightly

"You know, you don't have to wait for Katherine, Elijah and I can help you" she said

"I believe you can help me, but Elijah is hiding something from me, I know it" I said to her

"Why do you think that?" she asked, pulling her long blonde hair over her shoulder

"Everytime I ask him about Mikhail or what he has found out, he always goes silent. Tells me that he only knows bits and parts, that what he knows doesn't make sense. If it didn't make sense, he would be working so hard to hide it from me" I told her, turning off the car

We weren't at the boarding house yet, so I just pulled over and turned off the car

"Well maybe he is telling the truth, maybe he doesn't know everything yet" she told me

I didn't say anything to her, all I did was look at her

"Look, I know my brother very well, and I know that he cares for you very much. And it's not just because you're meant to change Klaus and unite us. It's something else, I don't know if I should tell you this, but he loves you, he loves you a lot" she said, signing

"And I love him too" I told her

"You know that's not what I mean. Look, I've known my brothers for a long time and I know when they truly love someone. Elijah is in love with you" she said, grabbing my hand and squeezing

I looked out the window

"I also happen to know that you also care for him" she said slowly, looking at me

I knew she ment it more of a question then and statement

"I haven't known you three for very long, but I know that you and Elijah have a good heart." I said

"That's not answering my question" she said, smiling at me

"I-I don't know if I'm in love him, all I know is that I care for him, for all of you" I told her, squeezing her hand tightly

She didn't say anything to me, all she did was look forwards

"Well I think that very soon all your feelings will be clear and one hell of a problem will arise" she told me, turning my car on and motioning for me to start it

I sighed and drove on to my home

"Hey I can't stay, but I'll call you later" Rebekah told me, getting out of the car

"Okay, tomorrow then" I smiled and waved at her

I turned my car off and walked inside the house

"Guys, are you home?" I called out

There was only silence

"Damon, Stephan, are you home?" I called out louder

"No, they're not, but I am" I heard someone call out from the living room

I turned around and felt goosebumps run over my body

(Authors note)

I hope you all enjoyed

I know it's been a long time sense I have updated and I'm sorry

Love you all


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