Chapter 4 What Happend

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(Damon's POV)

I was in the car with Venus, as we headed towards our old house

I knew that going back home would bring back bad memories, but it wasn't always bad. We had good times in our old home

We had a family. Mom and dad, Stefan, the servants, even all the animals, Venus begged our father if she could keep and of course, father always caved in 

When she was a little girl, dad was her best friend. They got along so well, they were the best of friends, which naturally sucked. Considering he was an ass and all

As a human, I always told myself that I would never be like him. Now that was dead....sorta, I realized that I was more like him than anyone else in the world

Thankfully, Venus never saw the kind of monster our father really was. In her eyes, he was a saint, who would sneak into her room at night, to read her bedtime stories and comfort her when she got in trouble 

Looking down at my sister now, as she slept soundly next to me in my car, I realized that she was no longer a little girl. She had grown up to be  a beautiful young woman, but she wasn't the same little girl that would threaten to shave my eyebrows if I didn't take her horseback ridding 

I smiled a smile that hadn't appeared on my face for as long as I could remember.

She was my little angel, she was in a way the one person that made me feel human, even in my darkest days

Stefan had Lexi, to keep him grounded, I had my baby sister

After I'd lost her, I thought I would die from the pain in my chest. She had been able to rip me to shreds and she didn't even know it 

"It's creepy when people stare" she said to me, keeping her eyes closed and her head on the window 

I didn't answer her, I just took a deep breath and looked away

"Where are we going" she asked me, sitting up and rubbing her eyes

"Home" was all I said, as I turned a corner to lead me towards our old home

"Wait, but we just le-, oh, you mean that home" her voice died down, as she looked around 

Venus turned her head and looked out the window

"Why?" she asked

I could see her eyes get watery, as she reflected from the glass

"Why what?" I asked her back, feeling a pang of guilt in my chest

"Why are you taking me home?" she asked, turning to look at me

A single tear fell from her left eye

I didn't know how to answer that, I don't really know why I was bringing her home.

"I-I just wanted for us to remember how it was before....this" I pointed at the veins around my eyes

"Damon?" she asked me

I turned to look at her

"Yes" I answered her, looking at her fiery red hair

"What happened to you and Stefan after I.....left?" She asked, turning to look at me

By now we were in front of the out old house

"What do you mean" I asked, taking off my seat belt and getting out if the car, along with Venus

"Before I was gone, we were all a family. Everything with Katherine was forgotten, you were brothers again, you were family. you both seem indifferent with each other. Almost like you don't care" she said, standing next to me and looking up at me

"After you disappeared, we kinda just separated. At first, we looked for you. We came back and the flames were nearly all out. There were people everywhere, trying to see what had happened, but you were no where. We went to hospital, after hospital, shelter after shelter. We even searched for you on the streets, in the ally's, but you were nowhere to be found" I told her, feeling anger boil up in me

If Stefan and I hadn't gone on the stupid 'bonding trip' then we wouldn't have ever been separated from her

"What happened to you" I asked I looking over at her

"I don't know, I don't remember. All I can recall is waking up in an old house. There was no one there, no one around. It was just me. I too went back to look for you, I wanted to see if you were there, but once again there was no one" she said, closing her eyes and squeezing them tightly

"You know that my life, without you in it, it was and had been so horrible" I told her, with all the sincerity in the world

"Mine as well, my dear brother. All I have wanted was to come home to you and Stefan, yet I couldn't" she said, looking at the old concrete statues that stood in front of us, broken

"Why couldn't you, we waited for you for so long. We spent so much time looking for you and then we didn't find you all we could think of was that you were dead " I told her

"I just couldn't" she said, turning to look at my eyes

I didn't want to push her, so I just let it go and nodded my head, taking her small body in my arms and hugging her against me

"What matters is that you're home now and you're not going anywhere. Stefan and I will protect you, you are only family left" I said to her, pulling away from her

She smiled at me and nodded 

"Home sweet home" she poked my cheek

We started walking around, looking at the old worn-out house, which once held our laughter and happiness with our human family

We laughed and smiled remembering the old times when I would chase her around and we went about our lives, ignoring the terrible world that surrounded us 

After a while of roaming around, we headed back to the car

Before we could get in, I saw a body standing in the distance, by an old tree. The smile that i wore, soon faded 

"Venus, get in the car and stay there" I told her, standing in front of her, to block her view

"What, why, what's the matter?" she asked, opening the car door

"Just get in" I told her, pushing her in

"There is no need to hide such a beautiful creature" a voice that I knew all to well said


*Author Note*

Picture of Stefan on the side>>>>

I hope you all enjoyed


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~Katie Xx

Monster MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora