Chapter 33 Liar

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(Venus' POV)

I was sitting in Klaus' bedroom, looking down at my hands

Was I doing the right thing?

Was pushing my son away, the only way I could truly protect him?

"You okay?" I heard someone ask from the corner of the room

I looked up and found klaus, looking at me

"I've been better, you" I asked

"Well, I would have liked it better if my mate didn't have a baby with another man, but I guess I'm okay" he told me

I bit my lip

"You lied" he said

"What" I asked, looking up, to find that he was standing right infront of me

"Yu told him that you didn't want him, that it would have been better if you wouldn't have had him, but I could hear your voice go you an octave. Your heart was breaking as you pushed him away" he looked into my eyes

I felt tears well up in my eyes

"It's for his own good" I said

"But it's breaking your heart, it's breaking you" he said

I felt tears pore down from my eyes, as I looked down at my hands

"Why, why do you have to push him away? I might not like the fact that you had a child, but I know what it's like to be rejected and it's the worse feeling in the world" he said, getting down on his knees

"When I gave birth to him, I had a vision, that he was standing over the bodies of two men. They were ripped apart. they were trend inside out, they were decapitated. Those two men were my brothers. My brothers are ment to die, by the hand on my son" I said, wrapping my arms around Klaus

"Come again?" he asked me

"That's why I stayed away from them for so long. As long as I had Jesse with me, they weren't safe. I took him with the nuns, because they said they would keep him locked up. Jesse must have killed them and given them a new personality. That's the only way they would have let him go. Just like I'm ment to change you, Jesse is ment to kill Damon and Stefan" I said, pulling away from him and looking into his eyes

"Venus" Klaus asked me

"Yes?" I asked

"Jesse, he left with Stefan and Damon" he said after a long pause

Oh no

(Authors note)

I hope you all enjoyed

What do you guys think is going on with Stefan, Damon, and Jesse?

Love you all


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~Katie Xx

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