Chapter 36 This Way

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These next few chapter will make a lot more sense if you have watched The Originals


(Jesse's POV)

I sat in my chair, waiting what ever was to come

I heard the heavy footsteps of a man and all I could think of was my mother

Would she come for me?

Would she save me?

Would she even care?

I'd prefer her not to

It would be much easier for me to hate her this way

It would be easier for me to resent her for leaving me this way

Much easier

"Hello" I heard a man say, opening the door and closing it

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, looking up

The tall man smiled down at me

"My name is Finn" he told me, walking behind me and setting his hands over shoulders

"Finn Mikaelson and you, you're going to help me kill my brother" he whispered in my ear

I felt pain corse through my body and then I was out

(Venus' POV)

We ran deeper into the school, trying to find my son

I stopped and just took in a deep breath

I tried to find his scent, but there was nothing there

I walked deeper into the school and then stopped when I was right in the center

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath

The smell of blood and pine cones engulfed me

He was here

I kept my eyes closed, still walking

I ended up down in the boiler room

Behind me were Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah

Stefan and Damon had taken another rout

When I started turning the knob, Klaus and Elijah had both grabbed one of my wrists, stopping me

Both brothers looked at eachother

Klaus pulled me back, behind him

I wrapped my hands around their hands, just incase what ever was behind the door would try and harm them

I couldn't save them, but I could protect them from the pain

All I could hear was the shrieking sound of the door dragging along the floor

I tried to look in, but I couldn't look past Elijah and Klaus

Elijah's hand dropped from mine and he walked into the room, followed my Klaus, then me, and finally Rebekah

Infront of me sat Jesse, bleeding from his nose, mouth, and eyes

It looked as if he was crying blood

I ran over to his side and rested my hand over his face, taking away his pain

"You're going to be okay" I told him, untying the ropes that bound him

Elijah and Klaus through each one of his arms over their shoulders and walked out with him

Something in the room, made my skin crawl

It couldn't be this easy

It was never this easy

Something was wrong

I just didn't know what

(Authors note)

I hope you all enjoyed

I know it's been a really long time sense I've updated, so I am sorry

I love you all


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Be naughty and stay beautiful


~Katie Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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