Chapter 32 Never

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(Venus' POV)

I was sitting down in the living room

My brothers were both standing as Klaus and Elisha stood by a painting and Rebekah sat down across from me

I took a deep breath and started my story

At least part of it. I would tell them what I could, but I deserve to have some secrets everyone does

"Months before Mikhail died, we decided to start a family. We want to children, so we had Jessie. But I suppose that after Mikhail died, things got a bit odd for me. The little boy that I raised turned into Monster. he started doing in seeing things that no child should. Then I realized that he wasn't human. He wasn't even a vampire, he was something else, something that everyone should be afraid of" I said

"You know I can hear you right?" Jesse said

"Shut up" I growled

"Oh boo-hoo, so I wasn't the little prince that you wanted me to be, get over it. Not everyone gets what they want. I wanted my mother to be there for me, but instead she dropped me off with a couple of nuns who also happen to be witches, to come chase the ripper, who apparently has a conscience and her older brother, who has a drinking problem and thinks he's still cool" Jessie growled

"Hey, you listen to me jackass, you don't talk to your mother like that. This drunk older brother who think he still cool, will rip you to shreds if you disrespect her again" Damon growled, from afar

"It's true though, I did leave him with nuns. I wanted them to try and take away the power he had. It's a power that no one should have" I said

I looked at Jesse and shook my head

"What's the power?" Elijah asked

I stayed silent

"Resurrection" Jesse said

"You can bring people to life?" Klaus asked

"That's just a part of it. I can bring them back, and give them whatever life I want. Memories, old loves, pain whatever I want. I can use the face of someone you all the love and make them a whole new person" Jesse smiled

"Sweet, but you look like you're 18" Stefan said

"I age differently than everyone else. I'm not a vampire, but I'm not completely human. No one really knows what I am. All I know is that I have a lot of power. Power that apparently my mothers afraid of and I don't know why" he said

"Jesse, just go. I don't even care why you're here, I just want you to leave and never come back. I abandoned you along time ago, you must be very sad and lonely to come and look for me after all these years. I should've gotten rid of you when I had the chance" I told him

I looked into his eyes, the same blue eyes that his father had. It broke my heart to do this to him, but being as far away from me as possible is the best thing for him

I gave him up a long time ago to keep them safe, to keep him safe from me, from the people that are trying to hurt me, and to keep his secret and protect him from what he could really do

The best thing for him is to be as far away from me as possible

"Just go" I said again and turned around

From the corner of my eyes I could see my brothers look at me and disbelieve

I took a deep breath and took one last look at my beautiful boy and left the room

(Damon's POV)

"Where are you staying?" I asked Jesse

"I don't know, but I know I can't leave. She needs me as much as I need her, I know it. I can feel it, she's pushing me away but I don't know why" he told my

"She must have her reasons. My sister is many things, but she's not cruel. She must be trying to protect you from something or someone. But don't worry, everything will work out the way it's supposed to" I told him

"You can stay with us kid, don't worry about Venus. Like team and said things will work out" Stefan told him

"For now, I think it's best if we just go home and give her space. We can talk to her when she's a bit more calm" I told him

He nodded his head, sweeping his brown hair to the side

We started towards the door

I stopped infront of Klaus and looked into his eyes

"How are you doing?" I asked him

"Why am I finding it extreamly hard to believe that you are truly worried about my well-being?" he asked me

"Because I couldn't give two flying fucks, what happens to you, but I love my sister and I dont want anything to happen to her, because you're jealous" I told him

"I wouldn't hurt her, but I do want answers" Klaus said

"Now its my turn, to not believe you" I smiled at him

" Dont you get it? Venus is the only one that I turly care about. Anything happens to her, then it will be the death of me" he said

"why are you telling me this" I asked him

"Something tells me that even though you have a way to kill me, you wont use your sister to do so" he told me

"I'll be back later to check up on Venus" I called out over my shoulder and walked out of house

As I was walking, I thought about what he said

We did have a perfectly good way to kill Klaus, but I could never kill my sister

I could never kill the one person that never gave up on me


(Author's Note)

Jesse's Picture on the side>>>>>>

Second chapter today

This chapter was longer then the last, like I promised

I'll explain everything in the next couple of chapters


I hope you all enjoyed

Love you all


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~Katie Xx

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