Chapter 23 Old Man

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(Venus' POV)

A week has gone by

No matter how hard I try and find anything that has to do with the people that are coming back, I can't find anything

My brothers, Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus are all looking for things about Silas

I still haven't told them about Mikeal, not because I don't want to, but because I don't know how

What am I suppost to say to them

"Hey, I know you all hate your father, especially you Klaus, I mean, he did try and kill you. But I have some news, Silas is not the only person that I saw come back, Mikeal also came to see me and told me that I am going to look for him soon to try and kill my mate......anyone want coffee?" is that what I am suppost to say?

Well no, I'm not going to

At least not untill I find the right words

Thing is, it would be so much easer if I knew what the hell I was actually looking for, but no, I have nothing

Just a crazy father, who wants to kill his children and a physco witch, that looks like my brother

I mean, if Mikeal and Silas were back, who else could be back

Mikhail, Jenna, Lexi, Isobel, Abbey, my father? Who else would be coming back and why

I mean, from what my brothers have told me, Mystic Falls has had it's fare share of deaths

Why is this happening? Who in the world would be doing this and what for?

I spent another two or three hours in my room, thinking, when I finally dicided to go down stairs and see why Damon was yelling so loudly

'Don't you see that this is your fault' Damon was yelling

'No, it's your fault, you're the one who made the disision of going out there' Klaus yelled back

I walked into the living room, to find Klaus and Damon, both covered head to toe with mud

"Anyone want to share what is going on?" I asked slowly, looking at them

I didn't want to laugh, because it would just bruise they're ego and to be honest, I was a little angry that they thought it would be Okay to walk in here with muddy shoes.....well, muddy everything

They both started speaking at the same time

I only got parts like

'His fault, Mud, running, hole, fell, pushed, werewolf' and other things

"Stop, stop, stop, I don't even want to know. How old are you two?" I asked, chuckling

"I prefer not to answer that" Klaus said, smiling a little

"Okay, then insted of acting like 5 year olds, arguing over who's turn it is in the sandbox, act like the ancient old man you both are and go shower and shut up" I suggested sweatily, smiling at them

"For your information, I am only 173 and I do not look it. People think I'm 168 or 169 and not a day old" Damon told me, snapping his finger up in the air and then walking up to me and kissing my cheek

"Ewww, Damon, go away, and off the damn carpet" I yelled the last part, when the mud on him started dripping off

I heard him laughing behind me

I shook my head and turned back around to talk to Klaus

"Go on, you too" I said, after a while

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