Chapter 12 Stay With Me

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(Elijah's POV)

I ran into the house

Each second I had spent outside of the house, the slower her heart beat was

"Stay with me" I whispard, lying her on my bed

I could hear Rebekah in the other room, screeching out in pain

The arrow that was shot at her, had only his her leg and was not so close to her heart, as it was for Venus

"A witch, we need a witch" Klaus said to me, looking down at his mate

I looked back at him and knew exactly what witch I needed


(Bonnie's POV)

I was sitting on my bed, looking up at Jeremy

"What" I asked smiling at him

"Nothing" he chuckled, shifting his body so that his face was hiding in the crook of my neck

I smiled widly, running my fingers through his hair

I took in his scent, cuddling up close to his warm and tall body

"You know something?" I asked him

"What" he asked, moving away from me, so that he was looking into my eyes

"I love you" I told him, still smiling kissing his lips lightly

He chuckled against my lips

"I love you t-" he started

Before he could finish, there was a quick woosh and then I heard Jeremy's neck crack

I sucked in a big breath, looking around but saw nothing

I ran over to Jeremy to make sure he had his ring on

"Where are you" I yelled, getting up from Jeremy's limp body and standing around him protectively

There was nothing

"Where are you?" I yelled again, making my voice crack

Once again, there was nothing at all

Before I could yell again, I blacked out, seeing Jeremy being taken away

(Elijah's POV)

I was sitting next to Venus, as she struggled to breath

Klaus had left to bring back Bonnie

"St-Stefan" Venus groned out

I took her hand softly, not wanting to hurt her

"Damon" she whimpard

"Shhh, it's alright, everything is alright" I whisperd in her ear

"Mik-Mikhail" she almost yelled, starting to move around quickly

"Venus, Venus, please, everything is alright" I tried to sooth her, but her body was very warm, hot even and all she could do was wail around

Her breathing quickend and then slower down

She slowly opend her eyes and looked up at me

"El-Elijah, Elijah, you're here" she panted

"Yes, yes I am" I told her, once I had cought my own breath

"What's the matter, where am I?" She asked looking around

"You're in my home, in my bedroom, do not worry, you are safe with me" I told her, moving her red hair, damp in her own sweat

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