Chapter 17 Power

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(Venus' POV)

"Holy shit" I said, looking around the house

Rebekah turned to look at me with wide eyes

We could hear Klaus, Stefan, Damon and Elijah all yelling from the living room

As I looked around the house, I could see almost everything was smashed into tiny tinny pieces

Most of the tables were broken in half, the vaces were smashed all over the floor, there was even a broken window

Rebekah and I walked slowly into the living room

We saw all four vampires, with Bonnie infront of them, dangling a necklace over a map

Once I got closer I realized the necklace was mine

"Jeez, I love what you've done to the place" I said, looking straight at my brothers

"Venus" Damon yelled, running over to me, along with Stefan

"Smart ass" Damon whispard in my ear

"No, really, I agree, I think it's time to redecorate" I told him, laughing

"What happen and why do you look like and smell you've been sleeping in a hole full of hot trash" I wrinkled my nose

Then I realized that all of them smelled the same way

Stefan laughed, throughing an arm over my shoulder

"Oh, put that arm down, the stench is making my eyes water" I coughed, laughing along with everyone in the room

"Where were you?" Elijah asked

"We will tell you anything and everything you want to know, just please go shower, all of you" Rebekah told them

"Please" I repeated, pulling away from my brothers

Stefan and Damon nodded, hopping up the stairs and to their rooms

"Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah follow me" I told them, smiling at them

They did as I asked and headed towards the guest rooms in the house

"Here Elijah, you can shower here, Klaus, you can take the one at the very end and Rebekah, I assume you are tired, I know I am, you can shower in the room across from my room. You seem about my size. I'll bring some clothes for all of you" I said, smiling at them and heading towards Stefan and Damon's room

"Thank you" they called after me

"You're welcome, now go, you two really do stink" I smiled at them and walked into Stefan's room

"Stefan, I'm borrowing some clothes for Elijah" I called out

He was already showering

"Okay" he yelled

I took a black shirt some boxers and a pair of jeans from his closet

"Thanks" I called out

"Yep" he said and I walked out

I them walked into Damon's room and called out to him

"Damon, I'm taking some clothes for Klaus" I said to him

He didn't answer me, all he did was grunt

I grabbed a white shirt, boxers and some jeans and them started walking out

"Thanks" I called out

He grunted again and I walked out

I then went to my room and got a peach crop top and a pair of white short shorts for Rebekah

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