Chapter 14

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Arabella p.o.v

I was currently home alone obviously I had about 200 guards with me. I was sitting in the library Alex said he would be home in 3 hours i have now been waiting 5. Asshole I grumble out when I was hit with a wave a pain I hissed "dame" I breathed out i rubbed my pregnant tummy and another wave hit me stronger making me cry out guards rushed in guns at the ready they all looked at me wide eyed when I screamed again.

"Get me that asshole now!" I shouted "Queen are you on about the King" I screamed again "yes!I'm going to chop his dick off so he can't get me pregnant again.......ahhhhhh" "let's get you to the hospital" I nodded as they helped me to a car.

They rushed me to the hospital "fuck being shot doesn't hurt this much" the guards chuckled we finally got to the hospital and Alex rushed to the car door opening it. Once he got me out I smacked him up the side of the head. "This is your fault asshole!" He rubbed the side of his head and picked me up walking into the hospital.

"Get me a fucking doctor my wife is going to give birth!!" Nurses and doctors rushed over to us leading Alex to the room he placed me on the bed and took my hand he kissed my forehead "Mrs Black-Blood push now please!" I pushed and dame this hurts "push amour" I squeezed his hand in mine "nearly there now one more big push!" "Baby" I whined at Alex "you can do it amour one more push and then we get to see our son Leo" tears ran down my face "ahhhhhhhhh".....

I held my son close to my chest tears came down my face "amour what's wrong" I smiled at him "you've made me happy again you and our little prince have given me another reason to live other than revenge for my parents and brother.......I love you so much Aletxzander" he smiled and kissed me and our sons forehead "I love you Arabella and I would do anything for you and our son our family"

Alex was taking a phone call outside and bringing my clothes up when I heard shouting then guns being fired I picked Leo up trying to calm him down as he cried. Then silence "Arabella come out come out" the voice I loath said. The door burst open and there he stood smirking.

"Well look what we have here the new mummy shame you won't see him grow" "fuck you I will see my son grow up!!" He chuckled and pointed his gun at me "I will raise him as my own I just have to kill that husband of yours it will just be great won't it like I did to your parents" "why!? Why did you kill them and my brother?!!" He sighed "me and your father where enemies" "my brother was innocent you sick fuck"

"Let me fucking finish" I rolled my eyes "I wasn't going to kill your brother in fact I was going to raise him and you but in my moment of revenge I shot him as he ran and you I was going to take you but they all came but look at you, you became hard hungry for revenge. Killed and didn't care showed no emotion became fearless and made everyone fear you. But that stupid Aletxzander had to come and make you weak show emotion and fall in love!!"

Leo started crying again and rocked him in my arms and kissed his forehead "I don't really want to kill you but I can't have you trying to kill me so" he clocked his gun and I held myself high and kissed Leo's forehead again "I love you my Little Prince forever and always" Bang!!

(Book 1 of The Black-Blood Series)  Badgirls Mafia man Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ