Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Nick you need to wake up!" I yell.

"Mphggg!" He yells. I smash my lips on his and pinch his hip. He barely moves so I bite his bottom lip."Owwww!" He screams.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" I say.

"Aren't you supposed to be depressed?" He asks.

"It's only me and you," I say and get up. I put on the plain dress they picked out for me and Nick puts on his outfit. There is a knock on the door and I jump.

"Come in," I say weakly and Tina walks in with Eli.

"I thought I would braid your hair for you," she says and starts with my hair.

"Thanks," I say when she is quickly done.

"Come with me for the word," she says and we follow her. We walk for awhile until we get to a set of double doors. We wait and wait and wait."It's so rare that that happens,"she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"That the elements tore the child apart! It has been fifty years!" She says and I flinch. "I'm sorry," she says and the doors open.

"It's time!" Jenny says. Nick locks our arms like when we were kids and we walk in. We stop in front of my father. We move apart and this time I can't block it out. I can't foreget what I am doing.

"Princess Riley Quinn Myers will you say your acceptance to be our Queen until you provide an first born?" Dad ask.

"I, Riley Quinn Myers, accept my role as the Queen of the Elemental Barriers and Elemental Circles to rule with a open mind and protect and provide for my people. I will Create a better place, Release new and better ideas, Renew the world and it's people,and finally I am ready to Begin my role." I say and my father smiles.

"You are no longer Princess Riley but Queen Riley!" My dad shouts and everyone cheers as he places the crown on my head.

"Nicolas Michael Myers the Fifth, will you say your words of acceptance to rule as our King next to Queen Riley until you produce a first born?" My father asks.

"I, Nicolas Michael Myers the Fifth, accept to be your King and to rule beside my beautiful Queen Riley. I will obay the rules and change for the better. When my Queen or people need me I will not back down,if someone declares war I will fight until my last breath and I will follow our motto of wisdom. I will Begin my life as King for a choice not a force and I will not be rude and unexplained to my people. I am ready to be King." Nick says and my dad puts a new crown on Nick's head. Everyone bows and I am last to for it is custom.

"Our new King Nicolas!" My father shouts.

"Rise," Nick says.

"May your rule be better than mine and may your child's better than yours!" My father says and after that we are dismissed. We walk to the lunch banquet where all sorts of foods are. Nick sits at the head table with me to the left of him. Everyone congratulates us and tell us sorry for the loss of the unborn child.

"Nick lets go," I say and grab his hand. I lace our fingers and walk to the garden. Ben, Parker, Gwen, Glen, Josh, Cevin, and Philex are sitting on blankets. I give them a weak smile and sit down.

"Riley your crown is finally silver!" Gwen says and claps her hands together.

"Nicks is gold," I say and lay on my back.

"My sister isn't my sister, and is married by sixteen and is Queen of basically everthing!" Josh says and I remember something. No this can't be.

"You said you were stabbed by a root when you died?" I ask Nick.

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