Chapter One

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"You're so dead Josh!" I scream at my brother, who just so happens to be graced with the water element. The twerp thought the best way to wake me up was by dropping a water orb over me while I was in bed. He should know by now I am so much stronger then he is. I run down the stairs chasing him while he is screaming bloody murder.

"Mom! Your daughter is trying to kill me. Help!" He screams to try to get mom's attention. Oh, he better cry to mom.

"Josh this is completely your fault, I told you not to mess with your sister but you still did. We all know what she is capable of. You're lucky," mom scolds in her 'I told you so voice'. I smile victoriously as she says that.

"Dad, I'm your only son help me," Josh begs to dad while dramatically falling to his knees. Dad has a sly grin on his face.

"We could always adopt another child Windy, don't you think after Riley kills Josh?" Dad asks in a serious tone but we all know he's just joking. I grab Josh by his wrist and jerk him as hard as I can do he can face me. I concentrate on my element which makes Josh start to freak out.

He is absolutely terrified of me by now, which he should be. Everyone should be terrified of me because I can't control myself.  My element is sometimes really hard to control which makes training it even harder.

"Stop! I'm so sorry I should have done it to Cevin!" Josh shouts me making me smile in victory once again. Josh was graced with being able to easily control his element. I envy that of him.

"Under one condition, you have to help me with the orb thingie okay," I say completely serious. I might be behind with my element a little bit but in my defense no one can really give me a real lesson.

"Fine, today after school!" He yells clearly wanting to get away from me. I remove my grip before I go up stairs to pulling off my wet PJs. I put on ripped and faded blue jeans, an Areosmith t-shirt and black converses. I pull back my head pale purple hair into a ponytail. I grab my messengers bag and phone and go back down stairs to eat with my family.

"I see this Spirit stuff is going well," my dad says but he never looks up from his newspaper. My dad is always concerned that with my element and how it's effecting me. Well, everyone is always concerned about me and it gets on my nerves.

"Yes, except I can't make a Spirit orb, I'm sixteen and I don't even know how, it's pathetic," I rant. Yeah, I have the element Spirit but people think it's another one, I think Earth or it maybe Fire but that's for my protection.

"Well, honey it will get better, I'm going on a work trip to Australia, and your mother is going to China, you will have to look after Josh," Dad mutters. They work out of the country a lot.

"Why can't I be in charge for once!" Josh yells. I roll my eyes, he always asks this. I don't see why either, the answer is always the same.

"I'm nine months four days a hour and fifteen minutes older," I recite while smiling. We then stick our tongues out at each other.

"Go or miss the bus," mom calls probably getting tired of our arguing. We tend to argue a lot about the stupidest things but what are sibling for?

  I grab my stuff and wait at the bus stop with Josh. We moved from Nebraska to Atlanta, Georgia which is the capitol of elemental development program. Josh has already made a friend Cevin Dayz, who is as old as me but all of his friend are because I'm only nine months older.

The bus pulls up and Cevin told the driver me and Josh are new. We walk to the back, Josh and Cevin sit in the third seat from the back. The only seat left was beside a boy my age. I don't like new people. They put me on edge, and I stutter, and I sometimes get grossly clammy.

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