Chapter Five

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I wake up to my entire head throbbing. I roll over in the bed and peak my eyes open. This bed is different from mine. Why? I sit up panicked when realize I'm not at my house. I scramble out of bed to the window to look outside. I'm not even at Philex's house! Where the hell am I?

"Ash get down here now!" A mans deep gruff voice shouts. That's definitely not Josh or Cevin. Ash? Why would I be at his house?

"Give me a dang minute!" Ash yells in a irritated voice. Then loud stomping footsteps can be heard down the hall from me. I need to get out of here.

I open a random door only to discover it's a closet. I open another door and it's a bathroom then I open the last door which it leads to a hall. I walk quietly to end if the hall to stairs and I hurry down the steps as quietly as I can.

"Ash, boy, you even listening! What's wrong with you this is serious?" man yells at him. Who is this guy?

"I was supposed to meet Riley three hours after we got there! I don't know were she is. There, I answered your question that I've answered five time already," Ash shouts clearly pissed off. I mean, if I've repeated the same answer five times I would be upset too.

"Uncle Zach, just give him a brake he needs it," Asher says in an unnerving calm manor.

"You need to find her and bring her here." I'm guessing is Zach says as the anger in his voice intensifies. 

"I've tried. I called Nick, Cevin, Josh, Casey, Philex, Ben, and Lane. Believe me I've tried unlike Asher!" Ash shouts back. Why does Zach want me?

"Look harder!" Zach yells. I jump when a door slams shut.

"Ash where could she have gone?" Asher asks clearly upset.

"Don't know, but if Vince got her I'm killing him." Ash hisses under his breath.

I go back up the stairs to the room where I woke up. I don't want Zach to see me. I sit on the bed and put my head in my hands. I can't remember anything from last night. I hear two sets of footsteps walk down the hallway once again.

"See you later brother," Asher says then the door opens and slips in.

"So do all your hobbies include you lying to your family? Oh, yeah and kidnapping people?" I ask with a sarcastic tone. He frowns at me while shaking his head.

"You're sneaky. Did you know that?" He says looking down at his feet.


"You're probably wanting to go home, but you can't right now," he says not making eye contact and looking at the floor instead of me.

"I would like to go home and I want to know why I'm in you bedroom," I state while giving him a harsh look.

"Someone must've spiked the water. You passed out and I brought you here."

"Then why is Ash so freaked out about not knowing where I am?"

"He's just scared the Searchers found you. They are the ones who kidnapped us when we were little."

"What do you mean?" I ask slowly. What are they talking about? When we were little?

"People think it was only you and Ash who escaped but I was there. Riley you don't remember because only you and Ash were caught, I wasn't."

"So I'm the little girl that was with Ash when he escaped?" I ask while tugging my hair. Is that why I can't remember anything? Why Ash acted so weird at my house? Who the hell is a searcher?

"What's a Searcher?" I finally ask while trying to wrap my mind around what's happening.

"They're the people who kidnapped us. They are highly powerful and the weren't caught. At least not all of them were. They took some kids with them when they fled but are always looking for the ones who escaped."

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