Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Ewwww!" I hear someone yell.

  I slowly get up and see Gwen and Kanly. Nick isn't here and I'm almost naked? I pull the covers over me and look for my clothes.

"What have you and Nick been doing?" Kanly asks.

"Um," I say.

"Aren't you pregnant already?" Gwen asks.

"Shut up!" I yell feeling the red come to my cheeks.

"Here put this on," Gwen says handing me some clothes.

"Thanks. Also what me and Nick do is none of your business." I say putting on the robe. I've been eating like a pig to seem pregnant and it is not great.

"Put on some clothes," Kanly says.

"I'm on it," I say and put on some clothes.

"So Nick seems happier and I assume it has to do with that." Tina says coming in.

"Drop it!" I shout feeling my face heat up.

"You and Nick can't be together tonight!" Kanly says.

"Why not?"

"Tomorrow is your wedding duh!" Gwen says.

"Don't remind me," I say and pull up my hair.

"This is the biggest thing ever!" Olivia says.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"Going to do bride things." Olivia says with a smirk.

"Fun!" I say and roll my eyes.

"Hey act for us please." Gwen asks sweetly.

"This is going to be sooo fun!" I yell in a high pitched voice. Ash runs in worried.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Riley acting very very girly." Tina says. I grab a jacket and put it on.

"Roll out!" I say and walk out of the room.

"Okay!" Tina says.

"Where is Nick?" I ask remembering he wasn't in bed when I woke up.

"With his guys," Olivia says.

"Okay!" I yell and we run to a car.

"Riley," Asher says and puts a crown on my head.

"Thanks." I say and get in with my bridesmaids. I always forget that stupid thing.

"Here we go!" Tina yells.

"She does know she is the oldest right?" Gwen asks me.

"Yes," Tina says and we pull in to a mall.

"No!" I shout in complete dread.


  Five hours. We have been in a mall for five long girlish hours! I am never doing this again!

"Can we-" I am cut off by lips smashing on mine. I know by the smell it's Nick. So I respond to him instantly.

"Other people are here," Kanly says harshly.

"I snuck off," Nick says and hugs me.

"To see me?" I ask and see a paparazzi at a table and flick Nick in the abdomen.

"You and the baby." He says and puts his hand on my stomach like he is waiting for a kick.

"Nicolas!" Joey yells and walks over here.

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