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Getting some time and space to think was Alex's only intention. She didn't plan on doing anything that involved seeing Hyunjin but merely wanted to think, to put everything in its place.

Nothing about Wonderland made sense. Alex figured that much out by the first week but she had been there for one and a half months and yet still she was in the same position.

Both Eunbyul and Hyunjin had told her many things but most of them contradicted with each other.

She remembered Hyunjin's words:

'You're in Wonderland, after all. No one will ever tell you the complete truth. You just have to pick who you want to believe and who you don't.'

"What if I'm wrong? What if I chose the wrong person?" She asked aloud, sighing heavily afterwards. "Never thought I'd say this, but I wish I was still on Earth everything would be a lot easier for me that way."

She stared at the horizon, admiring the beautiful landscape.

Wonderland was a breathtaking place, the views were the type of indescribable that wouldn't even look as gorgeous in a picture.

It made her chuckle.

How could such a beautiful place have such a terrible history?

She didn't know much about the history but she knew enough to come to that conclusion.

"So here's where you went," a voice from behind made Alex jump.

"What are you doing here?" Alex spat out bitterly as she glared at Eunbyul.

"Look, I want to help you."

"Leave me alone."

"Alex, just let me talk, okay? I haven't been the most honest person to you and neither have I been the kindest person and I'm honestly sorry for that. You shouldn't have been dragged into Hyunjin, Suzy and my issues. It's seriously unfair. So I want to make it up to you."

"I don't need it."

"Come on, Alex. Just for a moment pretend you don't hate me."

Alex sighed.

"How do you want to make it up to me then?"

She smiled.

"Want to know exactly what happened in the past five years?"

Alex scoffed.

"Exactly? Of course I'd want to here exactly what happened but I know you, both you and Hyunjin. Whatever you do, you're going to make sure you are innocent. You're going to pretend-"

"Everything was my fault. Every single one of the events was because of me. Yes, Hyunjin and Suzy also played a part but it was all because of me. Suzy was innocent, I never was. I ruined her and now she's not even existing on this planet. Hyunjin is cursed because of me and bad luck always follows him around. What about me? I was the cause of both of their lives going downhill and yet here I am, nothing seemingly wrong with me. Both my parents are still alive, I'm still living in the palace, and the only thing that haunts me is the memories. So there you have it, I'm not innocent, nowhere close, I should be the one cursed, I should be the one on Earth, I should be the one confused, I should be the one suffering but I'm not...I pretend I'm so content with life so no one will see how guilty I feel but the longer I hide, the easier I break. And I can't live a lie anymore."

Alex narrowed her eyebrows at Eunbyul, unsure whether she was telling the truth or not.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"It's my fault you're here, all of the events that happened in the past five years are my fault. And I'm sorry. I truly am, believe me," she sighed. "I'm not saying this so you forgive me or anything but rather so I can get it off my chest."

"But even happened? I still have no idea."

"Hyunjin, Suzy and I all used to be really close friends. We spent so much time together. But then one day we were playing hide and seek. I saw a witch and thought it would be fun to mess with it. One thing I learnt that day was to never point out a witch's mole, just don't. Anyway, when Hyunjin was looking for me, the witch cursed him by mistake and not me. So yeah, my fault. After that, Suzy and I found it fun to constantly mess with Hyunjin, day it just got out of hand..."

"What does that mean?"

"We tricked Hyunjin," she sighed as she looked down, tears threatening to fall as she recalled the cold evening, the gunshot, the lifeless body, him. "We tricked him into killing his own father."

Argh, I don't know what to do with this story anymore, feels boring. I mean I still have ideas but I just don't think it's interesting. Should I start writing one of the other stories from the voting instead?

Also, I know I always say this but honestly, I'm dying over here. There are too many exams and my teachers just won't chill with all the homework. It's so stressful! I'm both mentally and physically drained but none of the teachers care.

Anyway, thanks for everything guys. Thanks for the votes, comments, reads and follows on not only this story but all of them. I really appreciate the support.

Love all of you guys ❤❤❤


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