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What happened at sunrise replayed in Alex's mind throughout the whole and she couldn't seem to find a way to make it all stop.

She would constantly stare out at the forest and every time she passed Eunbyul, she would simply bow her head and avoid eye contact.

Something was wrong and Alex knew Hyunjin was the only person who would answer her questions.

"Hey, Yeji," Alex called out to the youngest member of the royal family.

The Seventh Princess simply looked at her before gesturing her to continue talking.

"Um, I wanted to ask if you could show me the way to the garden."

"Why do you need to go to the garden?" Yeji asked.

"I need to relieve my mind so I thought I would just draw a picture of the landscape," she lied, gesturing to the piece of paper she was actually planning to use for making a map.

Yeji didn't question her any further and instead showed her to the garden.

"Thank you," Alex bowed slightly.


And with that, Yeji left.

Alex smiled before looking at the forest that seems to beckon at her.

"Soon," she uttered under her breath as she entered the castle again with the intention of drawing the map.


It was half nine and the castle was like an isolated village. No one roamed the corridors and everyone was silently sleeping in their rooms.

Alex smiled in content as she pushed the sheets away from her and dressed in the warmest and most comfortable dress she could find.

As quietly as she could, she crept her way around the desolate castle using the map she had made earlier on to help her get to the garden as quickly as she could.

Once she finally got outside, she sighed in relief before pulling out a torch she had taken earlier on in the daytime.

She retraced the steps she had taken in the morning until she finally found the forest.

Shivers went up and down her spine and she instantly felt goosebumps take over her body.

"Maybe it isn't a clever idea to do this at night," she whispered to herself.

But when else could she go without being questioned or stopped?

After debating with herself for about ten minutes, she finally found the courage to walk into the forest.

The shadows of the trees were cast all over the forest, making Alex jump every now and then.

She sighed as she realised the forest just kept on going and going and yet there was no sign of Hyunjin.

Just as she was about to turn around and go back to the castle, she tripped on a rock and fell down a slope and into a large hole.

Alex groaned as she pat the ground trying to find her torch, which had turned off and fallen out of her grip while she was falling.

But instead of feeling the torch she felt small objects which crunched against her touch.

She furrowed her eyebrows but decided to examine it once she found her torch, which didn't take too long after that to find.

She shone the light in the direction of where she had landed only to see a skeleton.

She covered her mouth in order not to scream and began to gag.

"Enjoying staring at your mother?" A voice came from nearby and Alex was certain in was Hyunjin. "She was hung by the way," he revealed. "And they just tossed her away, no coffin, no grave, just threw her away like trash...all for something she didn't even do, terrible, huh?"

"Show yourself!" Alex said through gritted teeth as she gazed around the forest but she couldn't see anyone. Strange.

"Wow, you just spent all of the time you've been here wondering what happened to your mother and yet here you are, not even caring when I'm telling you."

"Eunbyul told me."

"She lied...and I know you knew that."

"Stalker much."

"Well I have nothing else to do with my life."

"Why did you leave the castle, you would have had something to do with your life."

He scoffed.

"You think I wanted to leave the castle? I was the next to the throne! Why would I give that up?"

"What do you mean you were he next to the throne? You were the Fifth Prince."

"My father was the King."

"What happened to him?"

"What do you think happened to him, idiot? He died!"

Alex was taken aback by his sudden yell.

Hyunjin noticed this and sighed.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I want to go back to Earth."

"Not going to happen."

"Why not?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Geez."

"Look, I'm just confused."

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough."

Alex rolled her eyes.

"Everyone says something like that."

"I know...however, unlike them, I'm actually in the place to tell you everything."

"You are? Then can't you tell me already?"

"No, not yet."

"Why not?"

"Wonderland is a confusing place and all the events lining up from when I seemingly 'disappeared' add on the confusion. I don't want you to be overly confused so I'm just going to tell you things slowly and eventually they'll make sense."

"I'm already overly confused!"

"More of a reason not to tell you everything."

Alex sighed.

"Can I know just one thing, then, for now at least."

"Depends, what is it?"

"How does Eunbyul know my name."

Hyunjin smirked even though he knew Alex couldn't see.

"Don't worry," he chuckled. "You'll find out soon."

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