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"Hwang Hyunjin!" Eunbyul yelled as she stormed into Hyunjin's underground base.

He simply rolled his eyes before looking at her.

She had large bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess and not to mention she was in her sleeping attire.

"Woah, what happened to you?" He laughed, unable to control himself.

Eunbyul huffed at his action before slapping his shoulder.

"Stop it. You're the reason I look like a dying panda bear!"

"Correction, pandas are actually cute."

"Shut it, Hwang Hyunjin, I'm done with playing around."

He smirked leaning closer to the princess.

"And what brought you to that conclusion?"

Eunbyul glanced around Hyunjin's base quickly as if scared someone would just come out of nowhere.

"Alex," her voice was quiet, but Hyunjin wasn't sure if it was because of embarrassment or fear.

"What happened to Alex? What did she do?"

"She did nothing," Eunbyul glared at him, voice back to normal. "You're the mastermind behind everything."

He chuckled.

"What did I do? You're the one constantly messing with her mind."

"But you're messing with her heart, Hyunjin. Don't you get it? She has feelings for you!"

"She does?" He smiled slightly.

"Oh, don't even pretend you care! The only reason you swapped Alex over with Suzy is because you loved Suzy but she didn't love you back!"

"Is that what people are saying about me these days? Maybe I need to get out of this place and give them a piece of my mind. And besides, who I like and who I don't has nothing to do with you. So please don't involve yourself."

"I'm involving myself to save Alex!"

"Well you're a little too late for that anyway."

"Wait, what?"

"She hates you. And doesn't believe a word you say."


"Don't blame me for it! She already knew all too well that everything you said was a lie."

"Argh! I did that to help her!"

"Help her or help yourself, there's a difference between the two."

She glared at him.

"Stop acting like you're oh-so-innocent, Hyunjin! You're not! And does she know that? Have you told you exactly what you did?"

"Have you?" Hyunjin snapped, feeling his anger suddenly build up. "I'm not innocent, both of us aren't. But can't I at least for once pretend I am? You have all the time in the palace to do that but who can I lie to? The wall?"

Eunbyul sighed.

"Lie to her all you want, just don't hurt her."

"But lies never end in happy ever afters...besides, why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be planning your escape?"

"My escape?"

"Your wedding. You must be so glad to get away from me and all the trouble I've caused you."

"If you are trying to guilt-trap me, Hyunjin, it's not working."

He shrugged.

"I stopped bothering myself with your emotions long ago."

She scoffed.

"Yeah right, and are these the lies you tell Alex all the time?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He teased.

"Argh, has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?"

"Nope, you're the first but I bet you get that all the time."

She glared at him.

"I swear I will ruin you."

He roared with laughter, surprising Eunbyul more than she would have liked to admit.

"I'm already ruined enough, anything else you do will be a treat for me. So go ahead, I'd like to see you try."

Finally, Eunbyul smiled.

"Is that a dare?"

He smirked.

"Sure, do it. I bet it will be a blast!"

"You have no idea."


"Woah, you look like a mess," Hyuna exclaimed upon seeing her older sister.

"Yeah, established, Hyuna."

"Where have you been?"

"Nowhere that concerns you."

"Well does it concern Suzy?"


"I saw going in the same direction you came from."

Eunbyul glance at the forest before shaking her head at her sister.

"Let her be, she knows what she's doing. As for you, places like those just aren't safe."

"Why not? I mean, she had amnesia and all, how come she knows what she's doing and I don't?"

Eunbyul sighed.

"Just...whatever you do, don't go in that forest, it has nothing to do with you."

"I still don't get it, it's just outside palace grounds, how doesn't it have anything to do with me?"

"It's dangerous in there, Hyuna. Just promise me that whatever you do, you'll stay away from that forest."

Hyuna glanced at the forest once more before sighing.

"Fine. By the way, mum wants to see you."

Eunbyul sighed.


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