Two (Alexandra)

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"Are you kidding me?" Alex yelled at her phone. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean," the deep voice came from the phone. "I can't be with you anymore, Al. It's not you, it's me. I just don't feel like we can continue. I'm sorry."

Alex sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Why not?" Her voice was quiet, weak and lacked the confidence she wished it had.

Because you're a failure at life, Alex.

Because you quit school to persue a singing career.

Because I can't look after a twenty-five year old that acts like a frickin' baby!

Because I never loved you.

Because I only wanted a sliver of your brother's fame.

"Because I found someone else."

Alex sighed, knowing exactly what he meant:

Because you aren't good enough. Because you'll never be good enough.

A tear rolled down her cheek. She knew she wasn't good enough, she knew she would never be good enough, she knew she'd be a disappointment for the rest of her life. She knew it all too well.

But she hated hearing it from someone else.

She hated hearing it from him.

"I see," she uttered, using all of her remaining strength. "I hope you're happy with her. Goodbye Travis."

She hung up.

Goodbye, Alex. I can't believe I finally got rid of you...

He was gone.

He was her everything.

And now he's gone.

Because she wasn't good enough.

Because she'll never be good enough.

Rain poured from the skies, adding on to Alex's already perfect day (note sarcasm). But she didn't run like everyone else, she didn't try to find shelter.

Her whole life was a thunderstorm. A bit of rain wasn't going to faze her. Mother nature was going to have to try a lot harder if she wanted to ruin her.

And as if on cue, the rain began to fall harder, faster, soaking Alex in everywhere it could.

But Alex wasn't pleased yet. She wanted to drown her thoughts, drown herself but life wouldn't let her die. She had already tried enough times before she realised there was no point.

She was life's doll and he was having to much fun to let her go.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

She looked at the number, answered it and placed the device at her ear.

"Hello?" Her voice was back to it's normal blunt tone.

It wasn't that she wanted to be blunt, it's just that her lifetime was full of disappointments and she had given up when it came to caring.

"Hey," Mark replied, his tone the polar opposite of hers. "How's life treating you?"

"Like I just ran over his dog."

Mark sighed.

"What's up?"

"Travis and I broke up. He found someone else."

Mark was quiet for a second.

"Oh...want to come over to my house? I stocked up on ice cream, sad romance movies and tissues after last time."

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