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Wandering around the castle, Alex decided to clear her mind. Ever since Yeji mentioned Hyunjin, she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Hyunjin went missing in this world...he went missing years ago. And yet Alex had seen him a day ago in another world. In her world.

You shouldn't have trusted that no good stranger. Now look were you are! He did this!

But what if it was a coincidence?

She never got his last name. Who knows, the one she met could have been Park Hyunjin...or Lee Hyunjin.

But what are the chances?

Everything about this whole situation just seemed to click with the fact that the Hyunjin she met was the one who went missing.

Maybe the same thing happened to him. Maybe someone drugged him and took him to earth and that's why he did the same to her.

But why her?

Because you were an easy target.

Because you were stupid enough to follow his instructions.

Because maybe she had something to do with all this.

Alex was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed someone turning the corner the same time as her.

They both fell to the ground and groaned as papers flew everywhere.

Alex sighed as she pulled herself off the ground and looked at the person she had bumped into.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh, I am so, so, so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going," she apologised as she bowed various times.

Eunbyul shook her head.

"It's fine," she said as she began to pick up her papers.

"Let me help you with that," Alex offered as she began to pick all of the First Princess's papers then help her up.

"Thank you, Suzy," she smiled sweetly as she took her papers. "Oh right, I wanted to apologise for this morning. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I was being insensitive. I'm sorry."

Alex smiled.

"It's fine, no hard feelings."

Eunbyul smiled.

"Really? That's great...I am actually glad I came across you because I wanted you ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Since you lost your memory, I was wondering if you would be okay with me giving you a tour around the castle and the gardens...maybe we'll tour around the rest of the land some other day...that's if you are okay with it, of course."

"Sound fun," Alex smiled.

"Great! So...will you be free at three?"


"Good. We'll met right over here at three. See you later," Eunbyul waved as she began to walk away.

"Bye!" Alex yelled after the First Princess as she watched her disappear from her sight after turning a corner.

"That was strange," a voice came from behind Alex, scaring her.

The girl instantly turned around to see Jeongin staring in the direction Eunbyul had walked away in.

"What was?" Alex asked.

"Eunbyul," he commented before looking at Suzy. "She isn't really the kind type."


"Yeah, especially to, I meant."

Alex furrowed her eyebrows.

"Then I guess that was strange...but why doesn't she like us?"

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"You really don't remember a thing?"

Alex sighed.

"Sadly, yes."

"Lucky you."

"Why am I lucky? I don't remember a thing!"

"Exactly why you're lucky. I would do anything to forget everything that happened these past years..."

"What happened? The fact that everyone seems so affected by it makes it seem like something bad happened but no one would tell me what exactly happened."

Jeongin shook his head.

"It wasn't one bad was a series of terrible, unforgettable things...the type you'd only expect to live through in nightmares...and yet it's our reality."

"It's that bad?"

He shook his head.

"Worse...and that's why you're lucky."

Alex sighed.

"Jeongin, at this point, you're my only hope, please tell me what happened."

He sighed.

"I want to, Suzy, I really do but I fear the memories will come back...I don't want you to suffer like me."


He gulped.

"I can't."

"Why not? Please, i know it's probably not in your place to say but I don't want to go to the First Queen."

"This has nothing to do with her."

Alex furrowed her eyebrows.

"It doesn't? Then why can you say?"

"Because it would interfere with his plans."

"His plans? Whose plans?"

Jeongin sighed.


Alex's eyes widened.


"He did this to you."

Alexandra couldn't believe what she was hearing and in all honesty she began to worry.

He knows you aren't actually Suzy.

He knows Hyunjin did something.

But how?

Or maybe he didn't...maybe there was another part of the puzzle she was missing.

"H-h-how do you know that?"

Finally, he glanced up at her.

"The last thing you said before you lost your memory was his name."

Until Then (Stray Kids Hwang Hyunjin)Where stories live. Discover now