I knew there was something mysterious about him

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Isaac's: POV

"Look what I found!" said Cam and handed me a article. "What is this?" I asked. "Read the text!" she said.

The 9th of May year 1945 Berlin

The famous theater actor and his family are dead.

It is with deep sadness we have to announce that the famous theater actor William and his husband Adam Lambert and their kids are dead. They were sent to the horrible concentration camp Auschwitz.

We will always remember them for their kindness and compassion. May they rest in peace.

"I knew there was something mysterious about him!" I said. "No wonder why he was so nervous during the school trip!" replied Cam.

"Adam is never on the gym lessons!" I said. "Because he's afraid of the showers!" replied Cam. "He thinks it'll come gas instead of water!" I said. "Of course!" she replied.

Suddenly a book fell down on the floor. "Who's there?" I asked. "Show yourself!" said Cam. "You leave my husband alone!" replied a man. "You must be William Lambert!" I said. "The famous theater actor!" replied Cam. "Leave Adam alone!" said William.

"Husband, I'm sad to say this, but he has found someone else!" I said. "What?" asked Will. "A boy named Tommy Joe Ratliff!" replied Cam. "Adam stole my boyfriend!" I said. "He'd never do that!" replied William.

"I know how much you miss your dear husband and your kids probably miss their father!" I said. "Yes they do!" replied Will. "Maybe you'd like to help me with one thing!" I said. "Sure!" he replied. "Good!" I said with a smirk.


Adam's: POV

"Daddy, wake up!" said a girl. I opened my eyes and saw my children. "Alice, Edward!" I replied happily and hugged them. "We have missed you so much!" said Alice. "We thought we would never see you again!" replied Eddie. "I've missed you two as well!" I said.

"Just like old days!" replied a man. "William!" I said and hugged him. "You have no idea how much I have missed your hugs!" he replied and kissed me. "Aww!" I said.

"We're a family again!" replied Alice happily and clapped her hands. "Yes we are sweetheart!" I said. "We'll always be together now!" replied William. "Always and forever!" I said.

Your plan will never work Isaac, William would never fool Adam.

I hope you liked this chapter.


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