Something is not right

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Tommy's: POV

"Arbeit macth frei!" read Adam. "English please!" said Isaac. "Work makes you free, but it was nothing more than a lie!" he replied. "Watch your tongue!" said Magnus warned.

"You're not a history teacher, you are a cruel evil monster who murdered men, women and children here.

You took their life, you separated them from their families. You took away their freedom and treated them as they weren't worth anything!" replied Adam and tears was streaming down his face.

"The tour continues!" said Magnus and walked in. "Is it true?" I asked. "It's best if you don't know!" said Sauli low. "I'm worried about Adam. I've never heard him talk like that before!" I replied. "Forget it Tommy!" he said. I didn't ask any more questions. But something is not right.

Magnus showed us the gas chamber. He told us that the prisoners were fooled by the fact that they would have a shower. But instead of the water, the room was filled with gas and people were choked to death.

"I can't even imagine!" said Laura. "What happened to the bodies?" asked Jim. "Either the bodies were burned or thrown into mass graves!" said Magnus. "I shouldn't have asked!" he replied.

As we walked out, I saw a memorial stone. While I read the names of all who had died in the camp, came a man up to me. His hair stretched down to his shoulders and he held two children in his hand.

"Who are you?" I asked. He said nothing but pointed at the stone. I read the text and gasped.

"Me and my brother were sent to the gas chamber together with our papa!" said the girl sadly. "I miss dad so much!" replied the boy. "Adam was my husband!" said William.


"Tommy!" said Adam. I turned around and he had a concerned look in his face. I pulled up his sleeve and looked at his tattoo. 

"The only memory I have from here, forever burnt in my arm!" said Adam. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Me and my family was sent to Auschwitz for sixty-eight years ago!" he said.

I wonder how Tommy will react now that he knows the truth. I hope you liked this chapter.


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