You will never see your family again

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Adam's: POV

The guards woke us up early in the morning and they gave us cold water as was our coffee. After breakfast it was time for work. We were working on making mass graves.

"Hello, my name is Billy!" said a boy. "I'm Adam!" I replied. "My partens sent me here!" he said with hate in his voice. "I'm sorry to hear!" I replied. "It's okay!" said Billy. "I came here with my husband and our two kids, but they ended up in the left line!" I replied sadly.

"You will never see your family again!" said a man. I looked shocked at him. "Do you see the black smoke coming out of the chimney?" he asked. "Yes!" I said with thin voice. "There you have your beloved family!" replied Gustav.

I fell on my knees and tears were streaming down my face. I buried my fingers in the ground and my whole body was shaking.

"You've murdered them!" I said coldly. "This is a death camp, what did you expect?" he asked. "They were just children!" I yelled angrily. "Calm down Adam!" said Sauli. "You treat us as slaves, you have taken away our freedom!" I replied.

Gustav slapped me across the cheek and kicked me. "One more word and I'll send you to the gas chamber!" he said threatening. Billy helped me up and we continued to work.


I had sneaked into Dr. Joseph Mengele's office to steal a bottle of poison. I'll return with my family in heaven. I brought the bottle to my mouth, but a man stopped me.

"You don't want to be here when the doctor comes!" said Magnus. "I don't care!" I replied. "Come with me to my house and I will give you a proper bed to sleep and a wonderful dinner!" he said. "I'm very hungry!" I replied and he smiled.

I followed him to his house and he showed me the bedroom. I got a uncomfortable feeling in my body, when he locked the door.

"I-I'm not hungry anymore!" I stuttered. "Do you have any idea why I didn't let you go with your family?" asked Magnus. I winced when I felt his hand under my shirt. "You're a sick monster!" I said disgusted.

He pushed me on the bed and took off my clothes. I screamed when he forced himself into me.

He left the room after two hours and I began to lose consciousness. I passed out and everything went black.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

My poor baby💔

I hope you liked this chapter.


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