Whatever happens, we will always be together

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Adam's: POV

April 19th year 1940: Berlin

"William!" I called. He came out to the hall and he covered his mouth with his hand. "What has happened?" he asked while he was patting his son's bruised cheek. "Edward was beaten by some boys when they saw his yellow star!" I said and a tear ran down my cheek.

(Adam's husband William)

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(Adam's husband William)

(Adam's husband William)

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(Their son Edward)

(Their daughter Alice)

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(Their daughter Alice)

I carried him to the living room and lay him gently on the couch. "Eddie!" said Alice and ran up to her brother. "He's okay!" I replied calmly.

Edward opened his blue eyes and smiled weakly. I put a blanket around him and gave him a glass of water.

"I was on my way home from grandma when three boys blocked my way. They beat me and called me horrible things, like I'm going to burn in hell!" said Edward. "You won't burn in hell, you're not a bad person!" I replied. "Do they hate us just because we're Jews?" asked Alice. I had no answer for that question.

Then we heard the flight alarm we ran to the shelter. Alice began crying and Edward comforted his little sister. We heard the familiar sounds of bombs who blew up houses.

"I'm scared daddy!" said Alice. "It's soon over!" I replied. "Sing something!" said Edward. I began singing and they calmed down.

I sang until the bombs had stopped falling. Our kids had fallen asleep and we carried them back into the house.


Will sat down on the bed with a sigh. "What worries you?" I asked. "I got beaten up yesterday!" said William. "I'm sorry!" I replied. "They saw the star on my jacket and the man...!" his voice cracked and tears was rolling down his cheeks. "What did he do?" I asked, but gasped when he showed his scarred back.

"Whatever happens, we will always be together!" he said. "I hope you're right!" I replied. He smiled and kissed me. "I love you and I will always do!" said William. "Same here!" I replied.

He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep in his arms. "Sleep now my love!" he whispered softly.

They are a wonderful family, please protect them at all costs. I hope you liked this chapter.


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