Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter

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The mighty claws that carry the power of the world with them descend quickly. This time I dont bother with adding extra elements to my spear but just add some weak light orange flames to the shaft. I then raise my right arm and throw. My spear disappears and with a flash of orange light destroys the black claws like a knife through butter and moves onto the yellow robed elder where the spear embeds itself into his chest and causes him to crash back down to earth. I slowly saunter over to the prone figure and violently jerk my spear out from his chest. I laugh loudly as a cruel smile comes to my lips and I ask him "How does my paralyzing poison taste hah? It runs through your veins as we speak and reduces your pain tolerance to that of a mere human athlete..moreover you wont feel movement in your body for at least 5 hours, at most days". A dark gleeful smile comes to my lips as I add "Imagine how much experimentation I can do to you in that amount of time". Then I start violently kicking him starting with his side and stomach. I take two slow steps back before running forward and giving him another good one. Then I step on his head and next his wound. A low growl escapes from his throat and I see pain in his eyes as my foot twists over his punctured skin over and over. After that, I straddle his chest and break his face with my fists; the punches are slow and methodical and I take my time with this. After 3 minutes I get bored and stand, I suddenly feel immense spiritual pressure..enough that I draw my spear once more and start preparing for another confrontation. Then I relax slightly as I see 2 beautiful women standing shoulder to shoulder. Vega and her aunt, both garbed in jade robes stare at the devastation with calm gazes and walk towards me.I bow towards the Grand Master of the school and embed my spear into the ground 1 foot to my right. I notice that Vega's aunt is somewhat shorter than Vega as she stands in front of me and looks at me with unnerving pale green eyes. She bows swiftly saying with earnestness "I humbly apologize for any trouble this foolish outer disciple caused you". I tell her its ok and she fluidly stands with a smile on her face and takes a single step forward. I hear her voice a quarter of a second before I feel cool hands on my cheeks and see Alicia's figure right in front of me with a slight blush on her pale cheeks. She breathes "Thank you for accepting my apology" before pressing her lips to mine and then smoothly attempts to part my lips. My right hand twitches for my spear before I regain clarity of mind and tightly grip Alicia's shoulders pushing her away and quickly take 3 steps back. Vega shoulders the strange mans body and Alicia laughs warmly like someone just intoxicated. I frown and Alicia glances at Vega saying "I see now why you like him so much...In fact I've taken quite a liking to him too now". Alicia flashes me a warm smile before her face turns thoughtful then serious and she walks towards me and grips both of my shoulders. She says "Come over to my residence later today. There are things we must discuss and I have some things to give you". I nod once seriously and she lets me go. Then the pair walk away, the Grand Master waves a hand and Vega flashes me a grin with one eye closed and gives me a thumbs up. Lost in thought Alicia says "Ill be expecting you beloved". I reply "Understood". When I snap out of my daze I realize what I just said and a cold feeling washes over me. I sigh and jog back to the main buildings where I see Ren furiously attacking a barrier and walk over to him. When he sees me he blanks then storms over to me angrily. Before I even say one word I get slapped across the face and Ren pounces on me and starts insulting me "You damned bastard. Foolish idiot!! What the hell do you think you're doing challenging an outer disciple like that?!" I shake my head roughly and defend his relentless fist attacks by using my arms to block as I say "Dont worry, you know I wouldnt do something I dont feel Im capable of..besides that old fart must be in a hospital bed by now". He stops hitting me and stands giving me a hand. I take his hand and Im pulled up to hear the voice of an arrogant guy in his late teens. He saunters over to my friend accompanied by 4 lackeys and puts an arm around his shoulder roughly jerking Ren to his chest before he says "Yo my pal Ren! Where's my money man?". Without half a second of delay I punch this arrogant prick in the face - specifically his nose which breaks on impact. Then I hold my right fist in my left hand before bringing both upwards to heave him in the stomach, then I hit his back with both fists and do something small yet noticeable to his spine and he falls to the ground. I move on to the guy on my left and punch him in the gut before giving him a roundhouse kick to the jaw. Then the guy on my right - after I deliver the roundhouse kick I stand on the mans head for half a second before vaulting through the air and deliver a kick to the 3rd guys skull. He collapses like a boneless fish. Lastly I turn my gaze to the last man standing whose knee I kick from his left side, I move on to his chest pressing his chest with a flat palm; but not skyward. My hand moves downward and I embed his body into the ground doing further damage to his skeleton. I snort saying "Pathetic trash tha lot of ya..if you want to bully someone get enough power to do it first". However Ren's expression is slightly grim as he says "The one who wanted money is the younger brother of the Dark rank 10 in our Underground Student Council". I sneer saying "Let him come. I'll do to him what I did to his sibling". I look at Ren with a smile on my face saying "It may be a bit difficult but I'll be able to kill him with a little strain". By the way the Dark 10 are those who form the Underground Student Council in the Floating Cloud School, they dont use their real names much and as their rank increases so does the difference in power become apparent by leaps and bounds. There is also the (Normal) Student Council who are called Light and are also ranked at 1-10. Judging from the information that Ren gave me I should be able to fight a Dark or Light rank 8 at most in single combat..but as always you cant just rely on the info of others as you'll have to do your own scouting too. A smile comes to my lips as I thin of how strong those who are rank 1 are...far..far beyond me right now. Best to avoid them until later.

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